Wings that were once white now turned black as horns grew from his form, the darkness around him morphing him, turning him into the Devil that he would be known for many centuries later. It was a vast waste of nothing, slowly getting up to look around before laying eyes on Lilith, she smiled as the two would create their home in a mirror image of Earth.  And as Hell grew, as Lucifer learned how to use his new found dark powers, he'd create Demons and Lilith would be the first. Mother to all. Over time, souls would enter his realm from the living world, Lucifer learned that when mortals sinned they were banished to his Hell just as he was and in time a thought occurred that he could make an army of the very thing his Father was forsaking.  Demons corrupted and evil, commanded by Lucifer as he plotted to take the fight to the Heavens, 

"Lucifer, we're suppose to Rule Hell not take the fight to your Father in the Heavens!" He scoffed while donning the white guard attire of his armor, Lilith whom became his Wife wore the black armor while looking at her husband as he'd be taking this path that could be his downfall. 

"Shit happens, he has it coming and I won't back down not without a fight!"

                       Lucifer's wage of war was known to the Heaven's above, the archangels that remained loyal to God preparing for a battle like no other. Leading them was the second son of God and Lucifer's brother, Michael. He was created shortly after his brother, the two sharing a stronger bond than with their other siblings who would follow years later. Until, that is, Lucifer began to take the path of darkness which would led to the strain in their relationship. Brother turned against brother, Michael feeling betrayed by the one he once admired and looked up to.  With the army of archangels awaiting Lucifer's arrival, Michael would visit God before battle. It would be something quick, for he was able to sense his brother growing closer. 

"Father, Lucifer approaches with his army and Lilith..." Michael would inform his father, kneeling down on one knee with his sapphire blue eyes gazing up at God himself who sat upon his golden throne. Dressed in white and gold with his six wings tucked in to drape behind him much like a cape, God wielded a golden staff within his grasp. Upon his head sat a white top hat with a golden cross upon it, baring an eye in the center that remained shut.  Hearing the news his second son came baring, God would release a hum from his throat. Yes, he could see his first son inching closer to the place he once called home. My dear Morning Star...  It sadden God to see one of his most beloved angels take such a turn for the worse. Oh how he had adored Lucifer, his light. Where had he gone wrong? It was something he couldn't figure out or understand. Never would he either. Rising from his throne, God would approach Michael with his shoes tapping against the white tile below softly. 

"Michael, my son," He would address the archangel before him, his son rising to stand tall. He was dressed in golden armor for protection, his six wings unfurled upon his back. "You must strike down your brother, and banish him from ever again entering Heaven." God would create a golden sword within his grasp, the blade baring a type of writing only that of an angel or he himself could understand. It would be a spell of sorts, one that would bind Lucifer to Hell for eternity once struck in the heart with the weapon. 

"He will not die, for it is not your brother's time yet." God would hold the sword out for Michael to take and wield, as his weapon. "But he must be stopped, my son..." Heaving a quiet sigh, God would turn on his heel to rest upon his throne again. "Now go, my dear Michael! Conquer the evil, with your good!" Smiling down at his second son, his eyes bared a soft gaze with a hint of pain in them. 

"I won't let you down, father!" Michael would grip the hilt of his sword firmly, his six wings flapping to lift him up into the air for him to return to the gates of Heaven. As his son took to the sky to fight, God would watch with his free hand balling up into a tight fist. His gaze would turn harsh, smile falling from his lips. You brought this upon yourself, Lucifer...

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