Chapter 4 - Confusion

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Disclaimer: JKR owns Harry Potter, lucky thing.

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Lily walked quietly into the room James had pointed out as Marlene's, her stomach tying itself in knots at the thought of seeing her – gorgeous, funny Marlene – in the sort of state that obviously had James worried.

The room was large and airy and its balcony doors were slightly open to allow the fresh air to circulate, the pale blue curtains rustling softly. A large four-poster bed sat against the furthest wall and on its blue patterned bedspread were her two best friends in the world.

Alice Fortesque was sat cross legged on the bed, her expression tired and dried tears marks streaking her face; her curly brown hair was bundled unceremoniously up on her head and her shirt was a mass of creases. Marlene's head rested in her lap, and she was gently stroking her long blond hair and humming quietly.

She looked up at the sound of the door opening and a flash of relief crossed her face at the sight of Lily tentatively crossing the room towards them. The redhead raised an eyebrow in an unspoken question, but a one shouldered shrug was all the answer Alice had to give.

'Marly?' Lily whispered, climbing onto the bed in front of the two girls and sweeping Marlene's hair back to reveal her face, puffy from crying and set in an expression of inexhaustible grief. 'Marly, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Marly?'

'She hasn't really said anything since we heard the news.' Alice spoke for the first time, her voice hoarse and croaky. 'She...' Alice trailed off as she started to cough and tried desperately to clear her throat. Glancing round, Lily spotted a water jug and goblets on the dresser, and she got up to pour a glass for Alice. Handing it to her, she spoke again to Marlene. 'Marly? There's water here honey, do want some? Make your throat feel better?' There was no response.

'She stopped crying a few hours ago, and she more or less hasn't moved or spoken since.' Whispered Alice into Lily's ear. 'When mum told was like she'd been hit by a curse. She just froze and said it was her fault. She just kept mumbling it over and over, and then she started crying, and I...I didn't think she was ever going to stop. Then she did...and this is almost worse. Sometimes I'm not even certain she can hear me.'

'Why don't you get up for a minute and stretch your legs?' suggested Lily. 'I'll sit with her for a few minutes.'

Alice gave a weak smile and lifted Marlene's head gently –Lily slid onto the bed and replaced Alice as Marlene's pillow, while the other girl staggered slightly and cursed her numb legs under her breath as she got up.

'Bloody hell that's painful! I'm just going to the bathroom, and then I'm going to grab a few bits from my room okay? I'll be straight back.'

'Take a few minutes Al, just...take a walk, stretch out or something okay? Do some yoga or whatever.'

Their eyes met, and for a moment both girls managed a smile. But it was only a fleeting moment and their strained facial expressions soon returned. Alice nodded and left the room, leaving Lily alone and holding the curled up body of her closest friend.

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