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“I should’ve said something when I felt your eyes.”

        I was never a fan of packing. Even unpacking was so much worse for me. I placed the very old-worn out teddy bear that was my great grandmother’s onto the desk beside the bed in my new dorm. Of course it was probably lame to keep a teddy bear, but it was just a little piece of home that I wanted to keep with me. Maybe for a little boost of confidence to remind myself that everything was going to be okay and that I could survive anything.

        Just as I was about to call my mother to let her know how I was doing, someone who was very loud barged into the room, making me jump seven feet into the air.

        “Uh.. who are you?” I asked, trying to not sound as rude as I did.

        “Kat, I live here now, who are you?” She asked, crossing her arms and glaring at me.

        “April, I guess I am your new roommate.” I said, sitting down on my bed. I was never really ‘good’ at making friends, and we already did not exactly get off on the right start.

        “Oh, that’s chill. Hey, are you going to the open house party tonight?” She questioned, throwing her bags onto her bed.

        “Oh, I don’t think so, I’m not really a partying type.” I told her.

        “What? Come on it’s our freshman year of college! You gotta let loose and live a little!” She said, kind of scaring me. She was really, really hyper. Maybe she had ADHD or something, or maybe she was always drunk or stoned, who knows!

        “Yeah but still, I’m awkward and people usually don’t invite me to parties.” I muttered, trying to by an excuse of getting out of this. I was so not going to a party. Even if I was paid a million dollars.

        “But this is a different party. Anyone can go to these. It’ll just be a lot of drinking, drugs, and so much fun. I live for these kinds of parties, babe!” She told me, and I could already tell this was going to be one hell of a year. Especially if I had to share a room with her.

        “Yeah but I think parties are just your thing, not mine, so you go have fun.” I encouraged, hoping she would give up on me.

        “Stop having these bullshit excuses.. Angie, and actually let go of that past, nerdy girl you were, and be someone different.” My roommate said, making me angry because first off she called me the wrong name, and secondly she called me a nerd. Okay I was not exactly ‘popular’, but that doesn’t mean I was a nerd, right?

        “My name’s April.” I informed her, looking out the window. It was definitely a different view. I was always use to the gray, rainy days of Washington.

        “Oh please forgive me for I have sinned. Anyways go put on a cute dress and I’ll do your hair and makeup!” She demanded, throwing the biggest smile on her fake face.

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