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            Spencer- It's about time this case is over.Morgan hasn't called my by my real name in three days.

            Katie- Hahaha what's he calling you?

            Spencer- Lover Boy and/or Ladies Man, depending on his mood.

I couldn't help but tip my head back and laugh. Spencer was pretending to be miserable, but I had a sneaking suspicion that deep down he liked the attention the team was giving him apparent "conquests." I think it reminded them that he wasn't a kid anymore. And maybe they even respected him more for it and treated him more like an adult.

            But right now, texting me from the Houston Police Field Office, he was playing the victim card. I didn't mind, I'd let him. It is technically my fault the whole team heard us having sex, but he picked up the phone, and he played along. So I'd say we were both equally at fault, but he was the one who'd been catching hell for it for 3 days now, so I guess I'd go easy on him.

            "Kat!" I heard Kayla call up the stairs. "Come down here a sec!"

            "'Kay" I shouted back down, setting my book down and hopping out of me bed. I sent Spence a quick text, saying "I'll be right back, something's up with Kay :)". As I came skipping down the steps, I saw Tony's favorite jacket hanging on the banister. My face broke into a grin, I hadn't seen the man I counted as my big brother in nearly a week. I heard voices and followed them, skidding into the kitchen, eager to catch up with my best friend.

            But when I rounded the corner, I stopped short. Kayla was sitting on the counter, and Tony was standing in front of her, between her knees, his hands on her thighs. He was looking up at her like Spencer looked at me. He was looking at her like he used to look at our sister. This couldn't be what it looked like, there had to be an explanation.

            "What's going on here?" I asked, my voice tense and my words short. Tony turned around, smiling. Kayla wrapped her arms around his broad chest, resting her happy face on one shoulder. Neither of them seemed to see anything wrong with this picture.

            "You know that guy I've been seeing these past few weeks?" Kayla asked.

"You mean the one that you keep going out with but haven't ever told me his name? The one who spends the night but is always gone before I see him?" I asked, purely to clarify. Kayla had been acting strangely about this new mystery guy she was seeing, but she seemed so happy, I didn't press it. Now, I was wishing I had.

 "Well, this is him!" She announced proudly, turning her head to press a loud kiss onto Tony's cheek. I just stared at her. This couldn't be real. They smiled at each other, blissfully unaware of how straight wrong this was.

            "So," Tony prompted, turning back to me. "What do you think?"

            "What do I think?" I repeated incredulously. "What do I think?! I think my best friend is dating his dead fiancée's sister! That's what I think!" I shouted, throwing my arms up in the air. "How can you guys do this? How can you not see how wrong this is?"

            "Katie-Kat," Tony began, gently using the nickname he gave me s a kid. Back when he was in love with Carolina and treated Kayla and I like little sisters.

            "Don't you dare call me that!" I yelled, glaring at him. "How did this even happen? When did this happen? How did you let it?" I fired question after question at them, searching for some sort of reason in all of this.

She Penned my DreamsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora