The Next Boat

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Anne ran through the streets, trailing behind Davey

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Anne ran through the streets, trailing behind Davey. Over the last hour or so, they ('they' meaning Davey) had come up with a plan, a rally of all New York newsies, and all they needed now was Jack. Katherine had agreed to go with Les while Anne went with Davey and many other newsies were looking to. Right now, the maid and newsie were heading to Medda's theatre to see if he were there.

Anne stood guard at the door as Davey glanced round the room. As Davey shouted, "How about lettin' a pal know you're alive?" with a small smile, Anne turned round to face him with a grin slowly forming on her face. He waved her over before running down the stairs. She raced to the railing, taking a second to see that he was actually there before sprinting after David.

"Where in the world did you go?" Anne shouted to the boy, her heart racing. She could see how upset and distraught he looked and she began to worry. "We couldn't find ya," Davey continued heading straight to Jack side. Anne stood back a bit, scared to intrude. She nervously fiddled with her fingers as she watched the two. Jack looked to Davey then Anne before turning around and heading back to a painting.

"You ever think I didn't want to be found?" The brunette walked closer to Jack slowly as Davey only walked a couple of steps as he asked, "Hey, is that a real place? That Santa Fe?" Anne stood at the boy's side, still trying to calm down her fast heart beats and trying to stop her sweaty hands. "It's beautiful," her voice was barely over a whisper but both boys heard. Jack glanced over at her and sent a small thankful smile before going back to painting.

Davey walked over to the two, standing at Jack's other side. "Hey, did you see the papes? We are front page news above the fold. Oh yes. Above the fold," Anne bit back a laugh at Davey's actions, finding the boy to be quite entertaining. "Good for you," Jack said before walking back to get more paint.

The other two looked to each other, having a silent argument of who would speak next. Finally Anne sighed and decided she'd try. Sending a quick glare Davey's way, Anne turned to Jack, her anxiousness clear, "Everyone wants to meet the famous Jack Kelly. Even Spot Conlon sent over a kid just to say, "Next event you can count on Brooklyn." How about that?" She let out a nervous laugh as the boy turned and glared slightly, which made her flinch. She couldn't help but see the pain in his eyes, a pain that she knew.

"We got stomped into the ground," he tells them and Anne nods to Davey, the boy turning to Jack to speak. "Yeah, they got us this time. I'll grant you that. But we took round one, and with press like this, our fight is far from over," the boy stood behind the older one as Anne took a shaky breath.

She felt trapped. She felt as if she couldn't do anything right. She felt like walls were closing in on her and she wouldn't ever be able to breath again. Ever since the letter, she was on edge. Worried that suddenly Katherine would know she was just a problem and forget about her. She worried that when she told Jack that he'd want nothing to do with her because she had issues that were too much. She worried she'd be sent back to the foundling hospital and be sold to Richards and end up with more than one scar. She was overthinking everything as usual and she'd shut out the conversation.

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