O1: vote for Ava

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Not many people remember their 2nd grade memories. They could be viewed as a forgettable experience that only pushed their pursuit of understanding times tables. Ava always sat in the front of the class. Since early in life she was cursed with horrible eyesight. She wouldn't get contacts until sophomore year of high school so she spent majority of her school life squinting at whiteboards. Nate sat next to her in every grade until 5th. She never knew why. They rarely interacted with each other and even when they did, it was usually a short, awkward conversation about a Disney show that played the night before. The only true memory Ava has from 2nd grade though, was riding her bike through her neighborhood during winter break. It never is really cold in Oakland. She was wearing a spaghetti strap top and a skirt. Her grandma lived only a few houses down from her. She could see her gran's perfect lush garden out front. The cat getting ready to curl up on the porch. Before she knew it her head was slammed against the pavement and she let out a blood curdling scream. 3 boys surrounded her, laughing. Ava could taste blood in her mouth and her cheek felt like it was on fire. She knew her skirt had ridden up and the whole street could see her Icarly underwear. "Nate do it!" A boy shouted. Ava couldn't see any of their faces but she just knew. She could hear her bike getting smashed and she screamed again. One of the boys sat on her head, pushing it harder into the pavement. she couldn't breath and squirmed to get free. Soon a booming yell echoed from across the street. "Nathaniel!"

Everything went quiet. "Get your ass inside." the voice yelled again. all the weight was lifted off of her and footsteps scrambled away. she thought the voice would come help her but it didn't. She laid there frozen for what felt like hours. She could hear her grandma yell for her and she finally moved her head, watching her gran and father run towards her. It made Ava flinch and sob. As they lifted her up, Ava finally got to see the damage. Her bike was destroyed and her cheek was gashed. Her knees were bloody and bruised. Her family concluded that she must've run into a pole or a car. Ava was too scared to correct them. Since that moment Ava hasn't looked at anything the same.

Vote! Vote for Ava! ❞  voices echoed through the busy halls of East Highland. Ava and her best friend Kingston shoved flyers to any soul who passed by. "don't you think this is a little extra if you're running unopposed?" A person spoke, taking a flyer hesitantly. Ava turned to them, eyeing them as she did. They took a step back and gave a confused expression. "Every person should be encouraged to exercise their right to vote. If anything this is a great way implement a voting routine for people quickly approaching the legal voting age. I would love to run opposed but for now I will take this as an opportunity to educate my peers." Ava ranted but the person was already getting ready to walk away. "Vote for Ava." she shouted after them. "Way to reel in the voters, Bernie." Kingston chuckled. Ava rolled her eyes, giving kingston a playful smile.

"Too much?" she asked. Kingston shrugs. "I would say yes but technically that was a great improvement from yesterday." He admitted. "Ah right, the debate." Ava chuckled out of embarrassment. "yeah, kinda hard to hold a debate when you're the only one running." Her friend added, starting to tape the leftover flyers on surrounding lockers.  Ava joined him in the act and sighed a bit.  Ever since getting jumped by Nate and his friends, Ava vowed to become such a force that she wouldn't allow it to happen again. From self defense classes to conquering her speech and debate classes, she refused to be viewed as weak. She was a scrawny elementary student, but by middle school she was a force to be reckoned with. She rarely let people in yet Kingston was more of a force entry. He didn't allow her to shut him out. He liked her. He liked how unapologetically bitchy she was. Though everyone else avoided her intensity like the plague, Kingston was drawn to it. almost 4 years later and they're inseparable.

"Want to get some slushies and come over to my place after school? I finally fixed my switch." Kingston turned to Ava with a goofy grin. She hesitated looking down at her flyers before back to King. "We can do some work too." He grumbled. Ava smiled wide, letting out a laugh. "Deal." She patted his shoulder and grabbed her bag. "Meet up at the front doors then?" Kingston said, gathering his things as well. "Yup. I just have to talk to the vice principal and I'll meet you!"  Ava shouted back to him, already starting to rush down the hall. Her head whipped back ahead before slamming into a hard body in front of her. "Jesus." The guy muttered, stepping back. Ava looked up, meeting eyes with Nate. "Still hanging up those flyers?" Nate said in a flat tone. Yet there was a hint of annoyance behind it. "Still degrading women?" Ava shot back. A flash of anger gleamed in Nate's eyes. He scoffed to her and pushed her aside with his shoulder. She watched him go for a moment before turning back, shaking her head.

She made her way into the administration building, sitting down in a chair outside of the vice principal's office. It wasn't long until his door swung open and he stepped out. Their eyes met and he gave a silly expression. "Back again, Ava? I just met with you this morning." He spoke, letting her in. "I just wanted to stop by. I'm worried about voter turn out for the election. No one in school seems to be engaged. I want to do some sort of mixer next week." Ava proposed, crossing her hands in her lap. The vice principal fell silent for a moment before clearing his throat. "Ava, you do know that...because you're unopposed..." He started but Ava cut him off. "...I will win no matter what. Yes I know. It just doesn't feel right though. I want to know that truly the student body feels I am a good fit for student body president. I don't want to just be a default." She retorted. The principal nodded and gave a reluctant smile. "I will approve a mixer for after school either Tuesday or Wednesday. We will talk more about it on Monday." He stood, getting ready to usher Ava out. "Perfect. Thank you sir." She smiled widely and left his office, quickly walking to the main exit doors to meet with Kingston. He leaned against the bike rack, holding his and Ava's in his hands. "Finally!" He exaggerated a huff, making Ava roll her eyes and take her bike from his hands. "Let's go whiner." Ava said, hoping on and pedaling off in one direction. Kingston called out, making her stop. "Wait! There's one closer to my house actually." He said, leading Ava in the opposite direction. She shrugged following him.

It wasn't long till they approached a small convenience store. They parked their bikes and headed in. Ava took a skim around not too impressed by her surroundings. "I'll get the slushies and you grab the snacks." King said, stuffing some crumpled one dollar bills in to Ava's hand. She went to speak but Kingston had already rushed off. She rolled her eyes and grazed through the aisles, locking eyes with some one on the other side. "Need help finding anything?" He asked. She was taken aback that he worked there. He didn't look like the type. "Twizzlers?" she stated plainly. He gave a small, sly smile and pointed down a row. She followed his direction and picked up a pack along with some other assortments of junk food. "You from around here?" The man asked as Ava approached the counter. "Lived here my whole life." Ava replied. He nodded, letting out a silent hum in acknowledgement. "I've just never seen you come in here before." His tone was confusing. He was insinuating something Ava couldn't quite pick up on. "Yeah well it's my first time. do I get a loyalty program thing or something?" Ava asked. The man laughed and shook his head. "Oh you funny funny." He said through his chuckles. Soon Kingston approached from behind Ava and the laughing died down. "Aye you going to that party tomorrow?" The cashier didn't even acknowledge her friend at first until Kingston burst out into laughter. "Ava Torres unfortunately does not party." He responded. The man nodded. "Well if Ava changes her mind, ya'll should pull up. Ask for Fez and they gotchu." He smiled to her and gave Ava her change. She gave him a smile back and nodded. "thanks..uh Fez." Ava said before walking out with Kingston.

"we're not actually going to that party right?" Kingston asked her. Ava laughed. "Hell no." her response felt disingenuous for some reason. Any other time she wouldn't have even entertained the idea of a party. Yet some stranger named Fez asks and suddenly she wants to go? Kingston knew she was hesitant but decided not press. "Well good. Ready to beat my ass in Mario Kart then?" He chuckled. Ava's smile reappeared. "You know it." She smirked and they rode off. Ava gave one last look behind, only to see Fez watching her go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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