Kiyo360 and Freckles_Yachi (Part 2)

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"Isn't that why you became a teacher, to, 'Fix the system'?" Luke's voice went up an octavie in the end, like he was mocking him. 

"Ok you two, relax. Hitoka's the first person Kiyo's trusted to bring here, don't scare her away."  Chi laughed with her brother and husband. "So- how'd-" The question was cut off by Kiyo and Yachi's phone's going off at the same time. "Oh, hey Kiyo, Hitoka, your phones just went!" This filled Yachi with fear, and she looked at Kiyo, who had the same dread on her face, but shook her head. The entire house was quiet, waiting for annother notification, because it was probably just the group chat, right? But annother one didn't come, and Kiyo was the first to speak. "Hey- Chi, can you check that for me? I just need to do something." Kiyo turned back to the sink, and busied herself doing apparently nothing. 

"Woah, you good Kiyo?" Ren pointed out, noting the tone of her sisters voice. "You sound- un-Kiyo?" 

"I'm fine! Chi please just see what it is." Kiyo exclaimed, not facing the group. Yachi looked around the room and saw concern painted on everyone's faces, and they were all looking at Kiyo. Cautiously, Chi picked up Kiyo's phone. 

"Oh, its from Instagram...Hitoka, so's yours." 

"What?" The two girls said at the same time. Yachi satding stright up, and Kiyo whipping her head around. 

"Kiyo, yours says, wait, what? Kiyo, yours says 'Freckles_Yachi has requested to chat with you', and for Hitoka it say 'Kiyo360 has requested to chat with you. But that- sweet mother of god-" The phones began blowing up. "Don't worry, thats a group chat and a user- 'Mishi_Chan' do you know theese people?" 

"Hey, Yachi, can we go and talk somewhere?" Kiyo said. "And um- I'll explain when the kids are asleep, and can we take our phones?"

"Oh, sure!" Chi said, handing both phones to Yachi. "Don't be to long, Dad'll be home soon!" She called as the two girls entered Kiyo's room. 

"God, do you think they'll be ok?" Ren said, coming into the living room. 

"Is something wrong with Auntie Ki-Ki and Hitoka-Chan?" Yukki asked, with all the innocnence she could. The adults looked at eachother, and looked at the kids. 

"Hitoka-Chan looked really sad and... and scared!" Holli said, boucing forwards on her knees. 

"Yeah, and Auntie Kiyo looked really scary and angry-" Emily said, starting to cry, to which Yukki and Holli hugged her. The adults again looked at eachother, and looked down at the kids. Enji put his head in his hands and mumbled something about 'Kiyo being so mad,' Luke looked at his wife, and went to comfort his brother. Ren was the first one to console the triplets. 

"Oh! You know how you gave me a big hug when you saw me again? You need to do that to Kiyo and Hitoka when they come out, ok?" She said, she smilled at the twins. "And hey, you know what else? We should totally make a big poster for grandad for when he comes in!" She scooped the triplets  off towards her room, turned to Chi, smilled, and then shut the door. 

In Kiyo's room, Kiyo's first instict had been to get Yachi sat down somewhere, which had ended up being her bed. Yachi had snugled into Kiyo's shoulder, Kiyo had her arms warpped around her, tightly. Yachi came out of the hug and put her hand on her phone. "Ok. So. What do you reckon it is?" She said. 

"I don't know, I don't care, we just have to get it down." Kiyo said. "We'll look at our 'accounts' togther, give me your hand, ok?" Yachi nodded, and gave Kiyo her hand. The two girls opened thier phones, Yachi's was flooded with notifications from the first-years chat, and Kiyo's with notifications from the third-years chat, and both with random people from thier schools users and Mishimiya checking on them. Kiyo clicked on her tagged post first, and Yachi clicked on the groupchat. 

"Well then. They aren't wrong." Kiyo said, laughing. "But still- I know it won't effect anything, right?" She looked at Yachi, who's eyes were wide with fear. "Yachi? Are you- ok?" Yachi shook her head, and started gasping for air. Kiyo took her phone off her and saw an image of Yachi, or, Yachi's face, cringing away from a flash camera, arms up, protecting herself from the light. The caption was 'No paparazzi, please!' Kiyo had many questions, but still, Yachi had to be her top prority right now. She had her mouth and nose in her hands, and Kiyo ran through all the options she had before her. Enji was a teacher, trianed in de-escalation, but Chi was a mother, and she couldn't leave Luke alone, because she would feel bad. She turned off both phones, put them on her dresser, and told Yachi to "Stay there and not move." 

The second Kiyo came out her room, she sank down on the floor, and cried. "E-Enji- please- I can't- calm her-" All three adults immadetely moved to Kiyo, Chi helping her sister up, and Enji entering Kiyo's room. Chi helped Kiyo all the way to the living room. "Luke, can you go and check on the girls?" Chi said, indicating for her husband to give the sisters a moment. Luke did this, entering Ren's room with a smile. Chi hugged her sister, and let her cry for a few minutes. "Kiyo, what happened?" 

"I-I can't-" Kiyo spluttered out, "I love her so much, I do, seeing her in so much pain- And it might be my fault- this only started when I- When we sarted spending- Chi I'm-"

"Slow down, Kiyo. Slow down. Now, you said you love Hitoka?" Chi said, holding her sister at arms legnth. "And this only started when you started hanging out together?" 

"Y-Yes- to both- I understand if you don't like it Chi."

"Woah! Hey, no! None of that, no! Kiyo, your my little sister, I love you, and who you love could never, and will never change that, but I am going to tell you one thing. You are not to blame, for whatevers happened, or whatevers gone down just then." As she said this, Yachi and Enji came out of Kiyoko's room. "Hey, you two. Hitoka." Chi indicated her head towards Kiyo, who had given up on her sister, and was crying into her hands. Yachi wasted no time in going to her. Enji had managed to calm her down, but he didn't think he'd forget what she told him. 

"Yachi I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- make this entire mess." 

"Kiyo, stop it, just stop it, this isn't your fault. Its not your fault at all. At all, ok? Stop acting like it is, because it was never your fault to begin with. If I hadn't studied so hard and- we wouldn't be here! Its going to be ok, yeah?" Yachi said, comforting her girlfriend. 

"I-I- Do you not hate me?" Kiyo sobbed. 

"Hate you? How could I hate you?" Yachi asked, also crying. "Your my girlfriend, I love you so much, I do love you Kiyo, So much."


Kiyo's protests were cut off by Yachi kissing her. The kiss tasted of salt, but there was a tiny once of happines in it, when Chi jumped up from the couch, making the girls break apart, and drying thier eyes. 


"Ah, good evening Chika, now, who is this?" 

Hiding In The Stars.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن