You Can See Right Through People, Yachi.

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An older man and woman was stood in the doorway, the man had dark brown hair with a few grey streaks running down it, we wore a professional-looking shirt and tie, under a big black coat, with black pants under it. He had a small growth of stubble just starting on his chin, and he appeared to be smiling. The woman looked exactly like Kiyo, but older, wearing a purple shirt and black jeans, and both were smiling. "Hello, Kiyoko, hello, Enji. Where are the other-" He was cut off by two dogs bouncing straight at him. "Oh my! You two have grown up so much, hello!" Kiyo's father said, bending down and fluffing the dogs fur. 

"Hey Father." Enji said, getting up from his seat to go and tell the dogs off. "Bertholdt, Renier, will you calm down all ready?" He smiled up at his Father. "Good to see you again." 

"Gah, whats with the to-tough-for-nails act? C'mere, Son." Similarly to how Ren had head locked Kiyo, his father head locked his son, scuffing his hair, he released him shortly after, and then his eyes fell on Kiyo and Yachi. "There she is! Oh, and who's this lovely young lady? Is this the girl you talked about a lot?" 

"Father-" Kiyo protested, as Yachi grasped her hand behind her back. "You couldn't have put it anyother way? Yachi, its fine, you can let go. Mother, Father, meet the next manager of the volleyball team, Yachi Hitoka." 

"Good evening!" Yachi said, bowing her head. "Its nice to meet you!" 

"Well, its good to finally meet you to, Hitoka, dear." Kiyoko's mother said, in a manner similar to Chi, but Yachi was taken a little aback by the way Kiyo's mother had phrased this, and she must have picked up on this. "Oh, Kiyo told me about you the other day, how are you feeling?"

"Oh! Um- I'm ok! Yeah, no, things are fine!" Yachi lied, and thank goodness Kiyo's mother believed her. Kiyo's Father smiled at the two, and then smiled at his other son and daughter, before narrowing his eyes and pointing to everyone of them, counting. 

"Hold on, we're missing a few!" He said, grinning. "Where are my other girls?" 

"Grandad! Grandad!" The triplets came running out of the room, holding a gaint banner made from papers stuck together, and whilst he fussed over his grandchildren and second-youngest, Kiyo got up from her seat. 

"Kiyo are you ok?" Yachi asked. 

"Oh, yeah, don't worry, Hey, want to help me set the table?" Kiyo asked, extending her hand and pulling Yachi up. 

The two walked a little down the hall into what seemed to be a dining room, but it didn't look like a steryo typical dining room. No, its celling was made of glass, as were its walls, so you could look straight out into the back garden. It had plenty of natural light, but there was a lamp on the table, which Yachi assumed was in case they stayed in there until after dark. The walls had seats lining the bottom of them, with storage underneath. The table and chairs themselves were made of some kind of wood, polished to perfection, and the seats had different coloured cushions on them, all in all, there was about 20 seats at the table. 

"Uh- Kiyo- Why is it so big?" Yachi gasped, as Kiyo lifted one of the seats up to reval a pile of wooden, rolled-up placemats below it. "I mean don't get me wrong, its beautiful!" She walked over and assisted Kiyo with the mats. 

"Ha, oh, its my Father, his job is some important buissness thing- I can't remember what- a sales advisor? I'm not sure, but he runs some departments, and he's really close to the top- so we get some people round sometimes. I didn't understand it as a kid, but now-" Kiyo turned away, and her eyes grew hazy. "My father was there, but he was also- not there? I'm sorry, I know you had it way worse."

"No- Kiyo- stop it- all I-" Yachi stuttered. "Um- That's Valid! You know, some people grew up with their parents, some didn't! Is that why you hide how you feel around everyone, sometimes?" Kiyo sighed and stared out into the garden, still holding onto the mat. 

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