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While all that was happening joe was sitting at his desk trying to do his homework but he got distracted by dog videos. Later he found him self at the pet store buying 20 dogs. Why? He doesn't know. It just happens sometimes. Sara came to his house and 20 dogs ran at her and trampled her.
She was so confused
Why did he have 20 fucking dogs....
How was he even gonna take care of them
Sara just walked away...
Joe called ryoko about the situation
She suggested that he let people adopt them
So that's what he did
Gin walked to his house and stole one of the dogs.
Burger man and Kai weren't impressed but they were happy they got a dog
Joe was sad that he didn't get any money from one of his dogs but oh well at least he got rid of one.
How was joe going stop his obsession with dogs .....

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