Chapter Twenty- Three

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A week later, she was once more in that room and there were no traces of the passion of that night. It was a little sad, but soon, there could be many many more nights like that.

The contractor was saying something and she had to focus on the now, not the week ago.

Trey was walking around the room, having already looked out of the window. In the last week, he hadn't gotten any better. If anything he had grown more quiet, distant. He was pale and she could only hope that he would recover soon.

She and the contractor were going over the photos that Libby had given her after their talk. Images that captured the elegance of the house as it had been and an elegance that Chevonne wanted back. She didn't need to add any bedrooms and she wouldn't talk to the guy as to why she would want to have them blacked out. That was something she could go over with her vampires. They would know best.

She did want en suite bathrooms in the rooms that didn't have them. And though she wouldn't have need of it in the distant future, she wanted the kitchen up-to-date. There was room for a pool and while it wouldn't get much use during the day, the nights would be free.

Going over the garden, she wanted to keep the weathered trellis because it deserved to stay. Paint and wallpaper were gone over, things she had already been planning for and it went quick. The contractor knew this would be the only time she could see him, because she lied and said she was leaving for a while. If he had questions he could e-mail her or text, call, which ever was more convenient.

He warned her that some things would be impossible to find and that was an easy enough answer. Just match it as close as possible.

The fireplace in the great room needed repairs. A back corner of the house had been discovered by termites. She already knew about the nests and things, and that there were creatures in the wall. The statue had been one of a kind, and she again gave him free reign. Just get it close, was all she said.

He listened and took notes. He asked questions and at the end of it all, she was satisfied. He seemed knowledgeable and more importantly, he knew the people that could get it done quick.

Quick was good in her book.

After he left, she tried to show Trey some of the places she loved.

"I've seen it all," he said. "I had free time after you left us here."

Was... Was he angry?

"I thought..."

"Forget it," he said, turning and walking away.

"Trey, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing I care to share," his lips twisted into a bitter smile.

"Talk to me," she said, reaching out to touch him and he knocked her hand away. Once again, he walked off, leaving her standing in the hallway with her heart breaking. What did she do?


She stood in the kitchen, staring out of the window that felt as shattered as her heart. She thought he was sick. He thought he was sick. What in the hell could have turned him against her?

"I'm sorry," The words came from the hallway door. "I should have never left you like that."

She turned as he stepped into the room.

"This was my favorite room too," he said looking around. "The open beams make it seem huge. But comfortable."

"I'm glad to see you found a love for architecture," she said, brushing away a tear.

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