I wake up to someone I don't recognize scratching my ear. My head snaps up, aiming at the person. Oh it's Koda, it's Koda?

"Apparently you can hear me. Shinso had to go talk with Mr Aisawa  so he dropped you off in my room for me to babysit." I nod, letting my head drop back down.  "Please don't hurt my bunny, I would miss them and awful lot." I nod, getting up and stretching. I look around and see his bunny, a small white one. I meow at him, shaking my head. I hope he understands that mean I won't. I get up, walking around his room. I cautiously sniff around, rubbing my face against a few things. I feel my tail lift up when I'm approaching his rabbits cage.

I step closer, sniffing trying not to scare it. The rabbit creeps forward as well, sniffing the air, ears up and twitching softly. We both smell eachother for a little while before the bunny breaks away, loosing interest. I try and shrug, moving on. I spot the top of his closet, I look around mapping the fastest way to get there. The bed, then bookshelf, then one fairly large jump. I hop up on his bed, getting on his bookshelf. I creep towards the edge, judging the power. I crouch, and leap. I get there, now I have a view of the entire room. I look around, eyes wide, ears twitching and tail swishing behind me. The door open and my head shoots over. Toshi walks in and I with out thinking jump down. It didn't hurt at all and I stroll over to him. He leans down picking me up.

"Hey Denks." I purr loudly, licking his wrists. "He didn't hurt your bunny did he?"

"No, actually he seemed pretty interested. He was a little nervous but quickly moved on trying to find the highest place in the room." I feel like I'm being picked up from day care right now. I hiss impatiently, climbing onto Toshis shoulder.

"He seems impatient. We'll be going now. Bye Koda."

"Bye Shinso, bye Kaminari!" We leave, I put my front paws on Toshis head. I lift myself up so I see higher. He continues walking, heading for the elevator.

"We're going to the common room, that okay?" I meow in response, staying on his shoulders. "It's dangerous on my head, shoulders are okay but not my head." I want to laugh at his tone but I literally can't. Instead i take my paws off. Lying across his shoulders. "Good Kitty~" I want to blush but I can't instead I flick his face with my tail. He laughs, holding me while we go down. He steps out. "You wanna be held?" I hiss lightly, jumping off his back while he's walking. I walk by his side, curling my tail around his legs.

"Hey Shinso! Where Kaminari? You guys aren't usually apart." Toru greets Toshi. He points down to me. She squeals, running over and scooping me up. It was to sudden, let out a low growl. She looks slightly shocked.

"He's still kinda getting used to it, forgive him." I hop of her arms and onto Toshi's shoulder. I wrap my tail around his neck for more support and start cleaning myself.

"I'm sorry Kaminari! You just look so cute." I reaches up to pet me when I let out a small hiss.

"I'm not trying to be mean but please don't. He's kinda having a sensory overload right now." I continue cleaning myself as alpha explains for me. I lick his hair once, stopping shortly after.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know what it's like to experience that so I didn't know." I shake my head, resting my weight in Toshis head. He walks into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl out and filling it with water. I realize now how thirsty I was. I jump down, eagerly taking small sips from the bowl.

"Easy, drink to much at once it won't end well." I look up, licking my lips. My head shoots over to a small moving thing I'm the air.

Shinso pov)

Denkis head suddenly shoots over to the far wall. His pupils turn into circles and the tip of his tail twitches. His ears face it and his entire body goes still. I turn and see a fly buzzing around, i laugh, of course he's the cat to chase everything that moves. His front part of his flattens against the counter while his haunches stay in the air. His tail start twitching more and his hips start swaying. He suddenly jumps, extending his arms and pouncing. He stays on it for a little before slowly removes his paws. Under one of his front paws is a fly, now dead. His tail shoots up and his ears softly fold down. He's proud. He leans down, taking it in his mouth.

My Light In The Dark (kamishin)Where stories live. Discover now