Birthday pt. 2

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Shinso pov) I

I'm being shook away by a very excited Denki. I flutter my eyes open and yawn. He continues shaking me and I grab his wrist lazily.

"I'm up, I'm awake."

"Happy birthday alpha!" I smile, looking over at my omega wearing my shirt and nothing else with a stupid big smile on his face. I tug him forward so he's laying on top of me.

"Hey baby." He purrs, leaning down and kissing me. I smile into the kiss, sliding a hand under his shirt and sitting up. He breaks away and purrs again.

"Come on! We have so much to do!" I nod, stretching again. "Come on! Bakugo made you breakfast. I would kill for it! Hurry!" I laugh, getting off the bed and getting dressed. Denki grabs a random pair of boxers and shorts and tugs me down the hallway the second I have pants on. Only pants.

"Denki I don't have a shirt." He rips his own off and gives it to me.

"Come on!"

"Denki why are we in such a rush?" I hand him my shirt back.

"Because we are." He slides it back on. "And because I have a surprise for you." We step into the elevator and I grab Denkis hand.

"Just know you have something planned for tonight. And I'm sure it's gonna last a while." Denki blushes and nods. "Oh yeah, my rut starts tomorrow."

"Prefect.  I've been needing a good dick down recently." I snort at my bratty omega. He's perfect. The elevator doors open and I am, again, dragged where ever we're going. He tugs me into the kitchen and I see pancakes, eggs, bacon, and French toast.

"Bakugo you made all of this?" He looks up from the counter.

"Yeah, Pikachu wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. I did it to shut him up." I look down and Denki, who is staring right back at me.

"Thanks baby, but is this the reason you literally dragged me out of bed. And why I 'didn't have enough time to put a shirt on?' It takes like 4 seconds." He shakes his head.

"I just like looking at you shirtless." I huff a laugh and pick up the plate of food. Thanking Bakugo yet again. I sit down and immediately Denki attaches himself to my arm.

"You're being really clingy today. What's up with that?" He shrugs.

"You're my alpha. I can't be a cute omega?" I shake my head.

"It's just different I don't mind it though." He nods, scenting my arm. I kiss his head and take a bite of the pancakes. Holy shit this is really fucking good. "Bakugo where'd you learn how to cook like this. It's like really good." He smirks.

"Of course it is. My mom owns a small restaurant. Used to at least. I got most of my shit from there." I nod, taking another bite.

"Not to boost your ego but this is really fucking good." He barks a laugh.

"Of course it is. Alright. Later losers." He walks over of the kitchen and Denki immediately nuzzles into my side more.

"You wanna bite?" He gasps, sitting up and nodding. I hand him the fork and he gets a bite of French toast. He eats it and dances in his seat a little. "You're so fucking adorable Denks." He smiles up at me and hands the fork back.

"I know I am!" I lean forward and kiss his forehead before continuing to eat. Denki gets a notification on his phone and checks it. He scoffs, clicking around on his screen before turning off again.

"What happened?" He stiffens, almost like he forgot I was here.

"Huh? Oh nothing, just ummm. No space on my phone. Yeah, out of storage." I quirk a brow, chewing the bite of eggs in my mouth.

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