My Spiderman 4

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Chapter 2:
Aunt May and Mary Jane are sitting in the living room of Peter's home drinking warm cups of tea.
Aunt May then looks towards MJ with a friendly smile and put her hand in Mary's belly.
"Just be so exciting to be having twins, I remember Peter's mother was jumping up and down with joy. Life is a wonderful thing even when things don't seem great."
She says as she turns off the TV which was displaying a report of the latest Goblin Gang attack on a bank led by a mysterious woman only known as the Black Cat.
Mary then puts down her tea and was about to speak till bang!!!
The explosion rips the house apart in a second as Green Goblin wanna bes in cheap rubber costumes and purple hoodies charge in with guns and knives.
"Aunt May get up, get up!" Cried Mary Jane but she didn't stir at all.
Suddenly one of the fake Goblins pulls out a gun on her only to be suddenly attacked by a strange pale white man with long fangs and even long black hair who suddenly dragged the Goblin into the darkness of a nearby alley who kept screaming in terror making the others flee out of the scene on their motorcycles.
"We'll get you, we will" cackled one of them at Mary Jane as they fled the scene.
Then the strange man came back from the shadows with blood around his mouth and fangs but instead of attacking her, he simply took out his phone and called for an ambulance as he say next to Mary who had suddenly gone into shock.
Chapter 3:
Meanwhile, a similar attack was commited at the Daily Bugle and now Peter Parker was in the hospital with his boss J Jonah Jamerson who sacrificed himself to help everyone get out of the building after figuring out the meaning of a mysterious package.
"Peter Parker?" Asked a Stan Lee cameo dressed as a Doctor .
"Yes?" Peter replied in a nervous voice expecting the worse .
"Mr Jamerson wants to see you" replied the Stan Lee cameo as he guided Peter to Jonah Jamerson's hospital her where he layed now bold and slightly burnt on half his face.
"I'll give you both some privacy" Stan Lee says as he pulls the curtains back leaving Peter and Jamerson alone.
" it's good to see you, your in danger Peter and so is your family. I was sent these photos by someone before we got attacked. "
Jonah Jamerson pulled out some photos revealing Spiderman as he takes off his costume in the alleyway on his way to work which was only this morning.
Peter stared in shock unsure of what to say.
"Its not your fault, I refused to print them. I always knew it was you so I kept doing the things I did to make you a stronger and better hero. Why? Because I believe in you." Jonah Jamerson says as he tears up the photographs .
"Do you know who sent them?" Peter asks to which Jamerson replies by pulling out a nearby newspaper and points to a picture of the Black Cat .
Peter is then about to put on his mask until he is disturbed by Stan Lee who then says "sorry pal but seems someone else needs you" to which makes Peter's eyes widen with horror as he springs down the hallway to see if he can see anyone he knows.
Stan Lee then turns to Jonah Jamerson and asks, "you need anything?"
Jamerson then smiles as he sees Peter hug Mary Jane and replies with, "a pen, pad of paper and more pictures of Spiderman" .

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