Chapter 4

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It took the whole day but we unpacked all the boxes.


Yaya then pulled us in a group hug, as she did that all the Shugo Charas did the same.

"Hey Amu-chan can you make dinner for us tonight?" Rima asked.
"Yeah Su and I will cook something up for you guys." I said.
"Okay I'm gonna go to my room and watch tv." Rima said.
"Okay I'll call you when dinner is ready." I said.

Rima nodded her head and went up stairs.

"Hey Amu why is he here?" Kairi asked.
"You mean Ikuto?" I asked.
"Yeah he is hogging the couch." Kairi said.

I went over to the couch and saw Ikuto sleeping on the couch.

"IKUTO WAKE UP." I yelled.

Ikuto opened his eyes, I was giving him a death stare while putting my hands on my hip.

"What's up." Ikuto said closing his eyes again.
"Some people actually want to sit down on the couch so if you want to sleep just go in my room and sleep." I said.
"Fine." Ikuto softly said.
"Come on Yoru." Ikuto said going upstairs.
"Coming ~Nya." Yoru said.

I walked over to Kairi.

"There you go, you can peacefully sit on the couch." I said.
"Thank you." Kairi said.

I nodded my head and went back to the kitchen.

"Su." I said.
"Just leave it to Su - Chip Syrup Whip Cream - character change." Su said.

Su and I made everyone dinner in seconds.

We all sat down at the table and said.
"Thank you for the meal."

We all started laughing about the embarrassing things that happened in high school and had a good time, sadly everyone finished and they all left me to do the dishes.

(I wonder if Ikuto want some left overs)
I grabbed a plate and put some left overs on it and brought it up to my room, I saw Ikuto sound asleep on my bed.

"Is that for me~ Nya" Yoru said.
"No it's for Ikuto" I said while putting the plate on my side table.
"I'm starving~Nya" Yoru complained.
"How about we see what I can make for you." I said smiling.
"Race you downstairs." Yoru said flying as fast as he could.

I tried to catch up but he ended up winning.

"Hey Su is there anything we can make for Yoru." I said.
"Just leave it to Su.... Character Change." Su said.
And just like that I was making a strawberry short cake.

"Here you go Yoru." I said.
"Thank you~Nya" Yoru said.

I walked over to the couch and saw Kairi and Musashi watching t.v.

"Hey Kairi what are you watching?" I asked.
"I'm watching Chu and Ling the Samurai brothers." Kairi said.
"Can I watch it with you?" I asked.
"Of course." Kairi said smiling.

We started to watch the show together but I started to fall sleep, soon the series was over and I was fast asleep.

"Hey Amu-chan." Kairi whispered while shaking my body.
"Yeah." I said half asleep.
"Come on I'll walk you to your room." Kairi said.

Kairi helped me up from the couch and started walking me to my room.

"Good night." Kairi said then he hugged me.
"Night." I said going into my room and slowly and quietly closing my door.
"Is it morning already." Ikuto said.

I jumped then quickly turned around.

"Don't scare me like that." I whispered.
"Sorry." Ikuto said.
"And to answer your question it's not morning it's the middle of the night." I said yawning.

I was too tired I couldn't make it to my bed so I just laid down on the floor and fell asleep.

Ikuto then smiled and picked me up then carried me to my bed.

Morning arrived and I was still fast asleep while everybody was out doing there own thing. I finally woke up at 12:00 pm.

"Good morning." all my Shugo Charas said.
"Morning you guys." I said.

I looked on the other side of my bed to see if Ikuto was there and surprisingly he wasn't there. I walked downstairs and saw Ikuto cooking.

"Where is everybody?" I asked.
"Well Yaya is at school, Kukai and Nagihiko are playing basketball, Rima and Kairi went to see a play together." Ikuto said.
"Wow of course I'm the only one with no plans." I said sitting down.
"Here have some breakfast that would cheer you up." Ikuto said.
"Thank you for the meal." I said.

I started to eat the breakfast Ikuto made me and it was really good.

"Hey we should go on a date today." Ikuto said.
"Huh." I said surprised.
"Yeah just you and me anywhere you want to go." Ikuto said.

I started blushing and was scared to answer the question.

"Oh Amu-chan." Miki said.
"Amu is doing it again." Ran said.
"That boy sure knows how to make our Amu blush." Su said.
"I wonder what she would do." Dia said all excited.
All four of the Charas looked at Yoru and they saw him laughing.

"How about the mall, you need new cloths." Ikuto said.
"Uh sure." I said shyly.
"Great now you have plans today." Ikuto said smiling.

I just continued eating trying to calm down.

Hey guys thank you for reading and voting for my story I really appreciate it, I hope you like it and I'm glad to be making more chapters for you guys.

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