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Mariel was a damn good trader

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Mariel was a damn good trader. In fact, she was the best trader in the Sunstone Citadel, and was even up for promotion into Her Majesty's Royal Corps as the trade official.

She usually wore her shoulder-length honey-brown hair up in a ponytail, pulled back by the triangular black bandana she had surgically sewn onto the right side of her scalp, but now it was down; it was a serious occasion that didn't call for a ponytail. She was tall, skinny, and built on long, muscular legs, with a mildly feminine bosom that complimented her quite girlish bum. She was still having trouble fitting into her court dress, as she needed it to be tailored again for length.

The palace maid waiting on her was growing impatient, and not even her warm, negotiation smile could heat the icy stare. The maid still had to apply the makeup to Mariel's face, which she wasn't looking forward to, and she could already tell her beautiful grey eyes would be drowned out in a sea of blues.

"Do I really have to wear this? It's too deep a blue for my white skin! I'll look like..."

"Her Majesty chose this dress for you, and your normal clothes are... unseemly... for Her Majesty's court. You should be proud to be in the same palace as Her Majesty. It's not every day someone from your social background gets such high accolades."

"I refuse to wear this until you go and get her for me!"

The maid left in a huff, and Mariel smiled. She had been purposefully struggling in the dress, and now stepped out of its shell, letting the extravagant aquamarines and royal blues fall to the stone floor. She stood there with her hands on her hips, admiring her naked body in the mirror for just a second, and then crossed the room to her bed.

She was a guest of Her Majesty, although guest was the temporary term. She'd be in The Citadel's Castle for just a day or two more, and then back out on the road with another job to do. And she'd be back, after her adventure, ready for another assignment.

There was a knock on the heavy oak door as Mariel crawled under the covers. She heard the door open and close, and then "We're in here alone, so you don't have to act formal. Now, where'd you go?"

The blankets were pulled back, and Mariel pounced out onto the surprised figure. They landed on the upper part of the large bed, and Mariel pinned her under her.

"What the fuck? Why are you naked?!"
"Oh, come on, hon. Just admit you missed me!"

"Get off me! You wouldn't jump on Your Majesty if we were out in public!"
"Not unless you wanted everyone to know that you like girls, Amelia!"

Amelia scowled, and Mariel burst out laughing, easing up on the grip she had on Amelia's wrists. A hand shot up and slapped her face, making Mariel cringe back and Amelia panic.

"Oh fuck I'm so sorry I swear to the goddess I wasn't trying to hit you like that are you okay???"

Mariel slapped her back, giggling giddily. She pinned her back down, and went in for the kiss. It had been a month since they'd seen each other, and even longer since they had any time alone.

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