Strip Tease Wedding👰🏿🤵🏽

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Sharanya jumps down off the balcony elbowing Crain in the back as he stands over a fallen boat hearing Crain grunt Arthur moves the boat off of him and rolls his eyes when he sees Sharanya standing over him with a smile "yes, yes I know he's yours!.... it's about time I got to play the damsel to your heroics.... though I must say I suck at it!"  she jokes he chuckles then watches her back away as Crain regains his balance and Arthur kicks him in the hip then pushes the back stick Crain was holding up so it hits him in the face he keeps pushing it as he stands up and it lands on Crain's throat choking him as his body moves backwards while Arthur moves forwards after a few more hits with the stick Arthur had Crain down on his knees he drops the stick as Crain spit out blood then stands back up the two men rush at each other and Arthur gets in a few punches while Crain is still incoherent knocking him down again "you never asked why"  Crain says as he sits up and looks at Arthur "I know why cause I got out and you didn't and here we are again"  Arthur replies "you deserted me it's time you paid for that"  Crain says "no chance you're gonna get your third kill but this one won't look like an accident"  Arthur replies Crain picks up the chain of the anchor that lays next to him and throws it so that it wraps around Arthur's ankle then he pulls on it knocking them both down Arthur looks at Sharanya and holds out his hand in a "stay there I got this!" kinda way then he looks up as Crain picks up the anchor before standing up and swinging it down towards Arthur who moves out of the way and stands up Crain swings the anchor at him again knocking him down onto his stomach then Crain throws the anchor missing him by mere inches as he hops out of the way Crain rushes towards him and uses the chain of the anchor as a weapon as he tries to fight him only getting one hit out of the three swings he took on the third swing Arthur grips the chain wraps it around his arm a few times then punches Crain in the face then he wraps the chain around Crain's ankle and pulls him down to the floor he then wraps the chain around Crain's neck and pulls Crain tries to push him away but he grips his wrist and twists it as he pushes it down towards his chest then wraps more of the chain around his body tying him to the anchor then walks away heading towards the woman he loves but he stops when he hears Crain say "you're a dead man Bishop"  he chuckles then says "you might get off the boat but you'll never swim far enough away before she blows and the saddest part is that your girlfriend is going to die with you!"  Arthur looks at him and asks "who said I was swimming?! and she's my wife!"  Crain's eyes widen at those words and he watches as Arthur rushes over to Sharanya takes her hand in his then continues to run listening to Crain scream "Bishop!"  over and over and over again Arthur and Sharanya hide in the anchor compartment as the ship blows up they stay in there until nightfall then head back home to the island and get married Arthur had hand delivered Gina's invitation as his way of letting her know that they had survived the biggest surprise was that they had it in Phnom Penh Cambodia so that all her children could be a part of it which made Gina really happy and her kids very excited Mei acted as their marriage officiant and bound them together and Arthur was in awe of how beautiful Sharanya looked in her white wedding gown/dress and just as he promised he took it right off her once they were alone he even got her permission to rip/cut it off her if he so wished after all "it's a dress that only gets worn once so why not have a little fun?!"  she teased when she saw the look in his eyes before he made love to her he chuckled then took out a little switchblade knife and carefully yet hurriedly cut the dress off her before entering her and thrusting into her with fast, hard and deep movements

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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