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Another year, already gone in the blink of an eye. Just like that.

Overall, 2014 was great. Probably one of the best years of my life. I have countless memories that I would gladly relive any day. I met my best friends. I discovered my passion. And I made the biggest step of my life; I had to say goodbye to the people I love and fly away for a whole year. I've already made it through the worst parts of my adventure, though. I've survived the first few months. The best is yet to come.

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People are fascinating. Every single human being is different, and I find that purely fascinating. What I don't understand, though, is why we have to judge others for our differences. I don't understand why we laugh at others for how they act or maybe just how they look. I don't understand why we have to make fun of others. But we do it anyways. You do it, and as much as I don't like to, I do it, too. I'm not proud of it, but it's in our nature. We can't help it because humans aren't used to differences.

I've definitely changed since September. I guess I became wiser, in a way, but I can't really say that because I still have so much to learn. But I have learned a lot since I came. I've learned more about people. I've learned how to accept contrasting opinions. I've learned to find the good in others instead of always seeking out the negative. I've learned how to be more outgoing.

I've learned many other things, too. I've learned to try new things with an open heart. I used to be uptight, but now I'm more laid back. I've taught myself how to work hard for something that I want.

Of course, I can't always do these things. No one is perfect. But I try to wake up with this attitude, and keep it until the end of the day. I try to be a decent person, because decent people are hard to find.

I always set very high expectations for myself when it came to school and other priorities. I still have big dreams for the future. I want to travel and see more places. I want to learn more languages. I want to grow up and fall in love, I want to have a family. I still have expectations now, as well, but they've changed. Last year and many years before, I cared about getting good grades and being on time. I would strees over a school project and work hours on it, or get anxious beacause I was late to dance class. Naturally, I still want to get good grades, and it is nice to be on time, but honestly, I just want to be happy.

I want to live in the moment and stop worrying about my future, or time slipping by. I want to focus on what's important to me now. I want to spend time with the people who matter to me most, because who knows when they'll be gone from my life. And yes, that is hard to do when you're in another country, away from the people that matter most, but the year won't last forever. 

I want to make the best out of my seven months I have left in Germany. The hardest months are over. I want to get to know the people and placed and things before I have to leave, because when I'm back home, I'll miss it. I may sound like I don't like it in Germany, but I do. Sure, I can't wait to return home, but if I'm going to live here for over half of 2015, I want to make the most of it.

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I think we underestimate time. A year, for example, is just a year. It seems like so long, but then we look back, when it's over, and realize how fast it passed. 

You know what else we underestimate? The human race.

I don't know what is more beautiful than the world coming together, on one night, in hope for a new and better year. 

 Hope for a fresh start.

Just pure hope. 

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