Chapter 2

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June's POV

It was so hella late and my mom said to go to bed, but I'm just laying here in my bed on my stomach in nothing but pajama pants and a sports bra and talking to my friend on my phone.

My name is June. And my life. . . is almost perfect. I'm currently a junior right now, but I had a lot of things happen to me in my early life. One of those things involving my girlfriend, Stacy, dumping me. What's that? Do I mean "boyfriend"? Oh no, hon. . . I meant to say girlfriend. That's one of the things that you need to know about is that I'm actually a lesbian. Shocker, right? Well, I do dress the way I do for a reason. It's to impress other girls, but for some reason, ever since Stacy dumped me, I haven't been able to find anyone else. . . until a couple of years ago during freshman year.

It was a very beautiful girl named May. We quickly became friends and hung out all the time. She even introduce me to her guy friend, Trent. Ans I introduced her to my girl friend (notice the space), Ivy Roseheart. And we all got along pretty well. I haven't told her how I feel yet, since we stopped talking halfway through sophomore year, but I plan to soon. I just hope she feels the same way because she never told me if she was lesbian or not.

And speaking of my friend, Ivy was the person I was actually talking to on the phone right now. "So. . . prom is coming up in a week. You going to ask anyone out?" She asked. I could tell that she was wanting to ask me out to prom, so I had to tell her what I always do.

I playfully rolled my eyes at that. "Ivy, we've been over this. Me and you. . . we're just friends." I said.

It was quiet for 5 seconds before Ivy spoke up again. "But I just thint it would be nice for 2 besties to go out to the pro together and, you know. . . hit it off?" She asked.

I just chuckled sarcastically at that comment. Ivy tends to constantly try to get me and her together as something more, but I have to keep telling her the same thing."You're cute, Ivy. But I just think that we should remain friends. Besides I can't afford anything coming between us and our friendship. You know what I mean?" I said, straightly. And it was true. Ivy was super hot, but she was one of those girls who I just prefer to be friends with.

I heard her sigh on the other end. "I know. . . but I can't help it. I just haven't had pussy since my last girlfriend left me! And I've just been craving sex 24/7." She said. FYI, she is a serious lesbian, so this was kind of her thing. Don't judge.

Hearing this got me a bit offended, but I formed a small smirk as I decided to play around with her. "Oh. . . so you want me just to use me for sex? Is that what I'm hearing?" I said playfully with a smirk.

I think she might've been blushing red on the other end. "Juny. . . you know that's not what I mean! You know how I am!" She said all defensive.

I just giggled before I kept talking to Ivy. "I know, Ivy. I'm just teasing."

I didn't know what her facial expression was on the other side of the phone, but I'm pretty sure she was blushing hard right now. "Hmph! Whatever. . . and you know how I am!" She said all smart-ass like.

I smiled. "I do. And I promise you that one day. . . you'll find your true love who will give you all of the sex you want." I said with a bit of a smirk.

"Oh boy, I sure hope so." Ivy said hopefully.

I suddenly heard my mom come up the stairs as I realized I was gonna get busted for being up this late. "Shit. . . my mom is coming. In gonna have to talk to you tomorrow at school, okay?" I told Ivy.

"Okay, June. Love you, bestie!" Ivy said as I heard her blow a kiss through the phone.

I smiled as I reached out my hand and pretended to catch it. "Love you too, bestie." I said as I hung up my phone just as my mom came into my room and saw me still awake.

"June!" She said a bit sternly. "You're supposed to be in bed. Why are you talking to your friend?"

"I was just getting in an extra conversation before school tomorrow." I said, using the same excuse I always do. It wasn't my fault. I love Ivy and she loves me. We're too inseparable to not talk at night to each other.

My mom just rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, sweetie." She said as she clicked off my lamp on my nightstand. "But it's time to sleep now. You've got school in the morning."

I nodded as I shut off my phone and out it on the nightstand before getting under the covers and laying down. "Goodnight, mom." I said.

"Goodnight, June." My mother said before she left my room. . . but didn't close the door.

I grunted as I had to get up and close the door myself. But before I did that, my bra really started to itch and it felt uncomfortable, so I had to take it off to be comfortable. It's usually what I do anyway. When I go to bed, I usually take my bra off and just toss it on the ground and then sleep half-naked. Not only is it more comfortable, but it's also very relaxing sleeping naked. Even if I'm not completely naked.

After I dealt with that situation, I closed the door to my room until a dim light shined through the crack in the door. I then got into the covers and was careful with my breasts to not mess them up and I was able to get into a comfy position in bed. I usually lay on my back anyway, so it was was easy to sleep for me.

As I was drifting off, I couldn't help but smile as I kept constantly thinking about May. Her beautiful, long brown hair just flowing in the wind. . . her sparkling emerald green eyes. . . her attractive stomach that showed when she wore her signature crop-top. . . everything about her was perfect to me. And I couldn't wait to see her at school again in the morning. Soon enough. . . my eyes closed on their own and I went to sleep.

So what do you think of June? Any thoughts on her friendship with Ivy? What about her already having a crush on May? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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