A troubling realization

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Mason's POV
        I sat at the table of a small cafe in Tehran with Luna "Let's see what we got" she placed the computer infront of me and moved around the table so our backs were to the concrete wall. I looked around as she sat down searching for anyone who looked uncomfortable or tense while she scrolled through until I heard her say "hey, look at this" I shifted my eyes to the screen and froze "wait a minute, I've seen him before. That's um, fuck, what's his name. It's Roger, Stevens team mem....ber" she looked at me "That's how the masks have stayed under our radar.... they have people in the governments, they've been ahead of us the whole damn time" I clenched my first but released a sigh as I patted her forearm "We're almost through the woods, just gotta find the last piece of the puzzle" she looked at me only for me to see her eyes heavy with worry "This journey..... it's not easy to keep going. I'm so tired, I want to relax, I want it to end" I pulled her into a hug and mumbled into the top of her head "me too, just one last stretch" she nodded before saying "well come on, we've got a plane to catch" I checked my watch and spoke "huh, it's almost time to leave already" she nodded as we headed for the car.
I kept scanning for any hints of someone watching us until I noticed a group of 3 extremely pale men in sunglasses and casual clothes stood and started heading out behind us, I called it to Luna "3 tails, they're at our 5 o'clock moving fast. Let's get moving" she gripped my hand and picked up her pace with our new friends doing the same. I squeezed her hand 3 times which is our signal to run to the get away vehicle, she released my hand and we started running quickly reaching our parked car. I climbed into the backseat while Luna slid into the drivers seat, I pulled up my R5 and looked at the last 3 mags before sliding one in and pulling the priming handle and staring out the back window. I called up to Luna "I'm not going to be able to fire until we're out of the city!" she yelled back "I'll get us into the 6 miles stretch between the city and the airport, just don't fuck it up!"
I chuckled and yelled back "love you too" as I saw the black SUV pull out behind us, I reached into the foot area and pulled up the crate of grenades. I watched as the men tried to get closer but Luna managed to keep them behind us, I saw one guy start rolling down his window and lift his M4 causing me to yell "Incoming! Get down!" As I placed my rucksack, body armor and myself between Luna and the rounds. I felt the punch of the rounds as they impacted the armor of my plate carrier only for Luna to yell "I'm good!" I took a deep breath despite the sensation of warm water running down my back "I'm up! How much long before we're out of the city?!" She called back "20 seconds!" I lifted my R5 and checked for any damage before looking at the window and seeing that it had shattered under the rounds. I shrugged off my rucksack and waited until Luna yelled "were clear!" To which I shoved my torso out the window and started firing back, my rounds were widely ineffective as I tore through my magazine. I slid back in and shoved a fresh mag in before peaking out and firing again, I suddenly realized just how fast my rifle tears through 30 rounds as it cleared empty and I pulled it off the sling and threw it back into the car instead pulling out my P99 and firing most of my magazine before realizing I was having negligible effect on the targets.
       I retreated back into the backseat and grabbed the first grenade pulling the pin and dropping it out the window trying to hit our trail vehicle looking for the geyser of dust to see where it hit. My eyes snapped when it appear 30 meters behind the enemy causing me to grab another one and holding for a second before dropping it and searching for the geyser. It appear this time 19 meters back, I growled in anger and I pulled out a grenade pulled the pin and started cooking it before dropping it with 2 seconds to go and yelling "Fuck off!" I watched the grenade bounce along the road before disappearing under the chassis of the tail only for the ass end to get thrown up and to the side, the car rolled violently while Luna came to a stop, I pulled up my P99 and started walking towards the upside down car just as one of the men started to make his way out, he looked up and saw me "nonononono, please, please I have a family.... I don't want to die" I lifted the pistol and replied "You just had to say no to the job" before firing 4 times, I crouched next to the driver's door and shot the driver before checking the backseat and seeing files strewn about the ground. I figured it'd be worth a read so I grabbed them before walking away and sliding into our car speaking "let's go, don't want to be late"
She tore off as some civilians stopped to try to help the now dead men. I shoved the grenade crate back into my bag and quickly pushed the files in it as well before relaxing, I heard Luna "what'd you say to him?" I looked up "hmm?" She responded as if it were obvious "the second guy, you were talking to him. What'd you say?" I looked back down at my last remaining magazine "that he should've said no to the job" she nodded before falling silent as we headed towards the airport. I suddenly came to the realization "wait a minute, Stop the car!" Luna slammed on the breaks and spun to look at me "hvad?(what?)" I replied "if those two knew where we were going, don't you think Rainbow would be waiting for us at the airport?" She looked conflicted before nodding and asking "how would we get to Denmark then?" I shrugged and suggested "we could get on a cruise that goes to Spain, from there a rental to Denmark" she nodded and turned the card around heading around the city and to a small town a couple miles back away from the city. 1 month later we arrived in Spain and I looked at Luna wrapping my arm around her "Were almost home free, then we can have that little house you talk about" she smiled slightly before we disappeared into the mass of people on our hunt for the last piece to clear our name.

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