Chapter 4

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3 days.

3 days since Laval was captured. Lagravis didn't eat or sleep. Lavertus was trying to convince his brother to go to take care of himself, but Lagravis wouldn't budge. The Lions were sweeping every inch of Chima, but so far they had not found him.

Lagravis was sitting in the throne room. Lavertus had his hand on Lagravis's shoulder. Lagravis looked exhausted. He had dark bags under his eyes.

"Brother, I know you are worried for Laval. We all are. But you aren't helping him by starving yourself. Please go take care of yourself."
"I will rest when Laval is safe and sound within these walls, Lavertus." Lagravis replied. "Brother please" Lavertus pleaded. Deep down he knew his brother was too stubborn to listen, but he still tried. He was worried for him.


Lennox was walking down the hall, on his way to report on how the searchings were going. And to be honest, not so good. The Lions had searched almost everywhere, but they couldn't find the prince. Lennox didn't want to know what would happen to his king's mental health if the prince wasn't found. He realized how quiet and somewhat peaceful the temple was. There were only Lagravis, Lavertus and the necessary guards (There has to be at least a few guards in the temple in case someone attacked) Lennox's group was waiting outside the temple. "It was wise for Lagravis to put us in groups of 4, otherwise it would take forever to search everywhere, even with the help of eagles." Lennox thought.


"Sir, reports from the searching groups." Lennox said while entering the room. Looking in Lagravis's eyes, Lennox could see how tired and worried he was for his little cub. "Anything?" Lagravis asked, desperation ringing in his voice. "We haven't found him yet, Sir."
"Keep looking" Lagravis ordered, sinking into his throne. Lennox left with a bow.
"They will find him brother, don't worry." Lavertus said, trying to comfort his brother. Lagravis let out a deep sigh.


A few days before

"Here he is, Sir" the hooded animal said, handing the bundle of blankets to another animal, who was seated on a throne. "So this is the heir of Lagravis. What an idiot to leave him unguarded." He said, evil smirk on his face. "Were you followed?" He asked the hooded animal in front of him. "No, they lost me in the woods, a few miles from here"
"Good, take him to the lab."
"Yes Sir." The hooded animal took Laval and disappeared into the hallway. "Be aware Lagravis, I'm one step ahead on giving you my sweet, sweet revenge! Haha hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!! His laughter could be heard outside the massive castle.

Hey guys, thanks for reading!!💖💖Sorry for the long wait, didn't have time to write, hope you understand❤ But here it finally is!! I will try to write a few shorter chapters this summer, but no promises!💛 Have a great day!!!💙💙💙

Is There Any Hope?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora