The Power,The Passion part 2 ch 31

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"The Power, The Passion Part 2 ch 31"
The Courthouse-Gabrielle was putting her paper away when she felt something."No" Gabrielle, Are you okay" Jacqueline ask as she came by," The baby coming "Oh, Let's Get you to the Hospital "Yes" I need my family 'We will call them, Gabrielle are you worrying about it" Yes, I don't know how to raise a child and keep my career "You will be okay "They left..

At Margaret/Wyatt-Margaret was having tea with Millie who came over," It is nice to talk to someone who went through this" Yes it is "Did you finally let him go and stop loving him "Yes it was hard but I did, We didn't have any children so that did help a little "I just hope my son doesn't turn out like him" Yes, Maybe you sure go see a counselor "I was thinking about it" We have a new counselor coming at the hospital this week "Really "Yes she going to be good for the Hospital "Ben wasn't just a man who hit me he had affair too, One was with Gabrielle who pregnant with his baby "Wow" Yes Ben didn't think I know about it but a woman knows" Yes we do, I wish men wouldn't think we are stupid "Yes" It hurts that she having his child"

At Port Valley Hospital -Gabrielle room-Gabrielle was pushing the baby and Isabella and Sophia were in the room."I can't do this" Yes you can, You're not alone in this" Gabrielle push again and deliver her child who cried."You have a son" A boy" The nurse give her the baby," His beautiful "Yes, What are you going to name him" Samuel, After Daddy "Oh That's a beautiful way to honor you're father "Thanks "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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