Inko Midoriya : Of course Izuku "goes and gets the first aid kit" Here Izuku "hands him the first aid kit"

Deku : Thanks Mom, Follow me Todoroki~Kun.

Todoroki : Okay "Follows Midoriya" 

Todoroki Thinking : I didn't know Midoriya's first name was Izuku it's Cute.

Deku : "opens the door" You can sit on my bed when I go get a wash rag. "leaves"

Todoroki : Okay "sits on Izuku's bed"

Deku : "comes back" Okay I got the wash rag. "sits in front of Todoroki" This might hurt for a second.

Todoroki : It's fine if it does it's alright.

Deku : Yeah but I don't want to hurt you more then you already are.

Todoroki : Midoriya it's okay, I'll be fine okay?

Deku : Okay "put's alcohol on the wash rag" Ready?

Todoroki : Yeah "leans his head down" Here.

Deku : Todoroki~Kun I have to move your bangs back, Is that okay?

Todoroki : Yeah you can.

Deku : O..Okay "moves Todoroki's bangs" Stay still okay it's going to sting.

Todoroki : Okay.

Deku : "touches the bruise"

Todoroki : "flinches" Ahh

Deku : Are you okay Todoroki~Kun?

Todoroki : Yeah just keep cleaning the bruises okay.

Deku : Okay "cleans the bruises and blood off" There all done.

Todoroki : Thank you Midoriya "makes a fist with his hand" Ahhh


Todoroki : M..My hand.

Deku : Let me see it.

Todoroki : "let's Midoriya see his hand"

Deku : You have glass in the palm in your hand! Let me go get some tweezers to get it out with be right back. "leaves"

Todoroki : Okay Ahh it hurts so bad.

Deku : I'm back let me see your hand.

Todoroki : I..I don't know-

Deku : Todoroki~Kun it's okay I'm here to help only if you let me.

Todoroki : O..Okay I guess "gives him his hand"

Deku : "holds his hand still" Okay this will hurt a lot but the faster I get it out the less it will hurt okay?

Todoroki : Midoriya?

Deku : Yes Todoroki~Kun?

Todoroki : I know this is wired but can I hold your hand when you do it please?

Deku : "blushes" Umm yeah sure "takes Todoroki's other hand and holds it tight" Ready?

Todoroki : Yeah I guess.

Deku : Okay on the count of 3

Deku : one!

Deku : Two!

Deku : Three!

Todoroki : "grips Midoriya's hand" Ahh

Deku : "pulls the glass out" Got it out, You okay?

Todoroki : Y..Yeah thank you Izuku "blushes"

Deku : D..Did you just call me Izuku?

Todoroki : I..I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I'm sorry, I should go. "gets up"

Deku : WAIT! "pulls Todoroki hand" I don't mind that you called me Izuku you can if you want to all you had to do was ask.

Todoroki : O..Okay sense I can call you Izuku you can call me Shoto, I..If you wan't to?

Deku : Sure and Shoto let me rap your hand up before you go to stop the bleeding okay.

Todoroki : Okay "sits down on bed with Izuku and hands him his hand"

Deku : "raps Shoto's hand up" there, Does it still hurt?

Todoroki : Yeah, But it'll be fine-

Deku : "grabs Todoroki's hand and kisses the palm of it"

Todoroki : "blushing hard"

Deku : My mom always kisses my bruises when I'm hurt so I thought it would help.

Todoroki : O..Okay thanks I..I should go, Bye Izuku. "runs out the door and leaves"

Deku : O..Okay see you tomorrow.


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