Chapter XXXI - Burden of Proof

Start from the beginning

"What?! You think I'm a Thalmor spy just because I'm a Bosmer?" Aeyrin asked in bewilderment. "Do you just assume that about every elf? Isn't there a Bosmer here in the village? Is he a spy too?" she couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the situation, both in frustration and in bafflement at her behavior.

"Faendal checks out, I already investigated him. But a Bosmer coming here, claiming to be a Nord hero..." the woman huffed in indignation and she tried to move a bit, but Bishop promptly pressed his knife closer to her neck in warning.

"Well... what do you want me to do? I'm not Thalmor... Praise Talos and all that, if it makes you feel any better." Bishop laughed again while Aeyrin scoffed. She wasn't really sure how to convince someone that she wasn't a spy. The Stormcloaks at the border certainly didn't believe her either.

"Don't be ridiculous!" the woman shook her head but she didn't speak further. She obviously didn't know how to make sure either.

"I can Shout, if you want... but here's really not a good place for that," Aeyrin shrugged again. She had half a mind to walk away from that woman, but it was quite possible that she knew something about the Dragonborn and maybe she would be of some help.

The woman seemed to ponder for a bit before asking: "Can you really? Are you really the Dragonborn? Then tell me how you found my note in that ruin." She gave her a challenging look.

"What do you mean? We just... went through the ruins... there were some rooms that could only be traversed with the help of the Thu'um if that's what you want to hear," Aeyrin shrugged as the woman slowly nodded. She suddenly seemed a little more trusting than before.

"How did you get in?" Bishop narrowed his eyes.

"The back entrance... I got some information about its location," the woman sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm not going to attack you. It was just... a shock. The Thalmor have... made things difficult in the past," she said dejectedly before shooting Bishop a strangely pleading look.

"First, tell us who you are," Aeyrin retorted determinedly. This woman was changing moods like smallclothes. Who knew what she was capable of?

"My name is Delphine. I own the inn here. I'm also a... member of the Blades."

Aeyrin remembered reading some books about the Blades back at the chapel. They were somewhat popular in Cyrodiil. The Blades were an order sworn to protect the Emperor long ago.

"I've heard of them. I thought they were gone," Aeyrin pondered.

"Most of us are... mostly at the hands of the Thalmor. What remains of our order has been looking for a next Dragonborn for a long time," Delphine answered, still glancing warily at Bishop's knife.

"Dragonborn? Why? I thought you protected Emperors."

"We protected the Septim line... the Dragonborn Emperors. Before that, we were dragon hunters, and now... now we need to return to our true purpose," determination glinted in Delphine's eyes as she spoke.

"You're awfully chatty now. What if she's a spy?" Bishop smirked while pressing the blade a bit closer to her neck again.

"Then it wouldn't matter, would it? A Thalmor would know these things anyway," anger returned to her voice as she answered him. "Why is he here anyways? I only asked for the Dragonborn," she turned back to Aeyrin.

"He's my companion. And your precious Dragonborn would already be dead several times over without him," Aeyrin replied somewhat coldly, but she still shot Bishop a brief warm smile.

"Seriously? I've seen him around before. All he does is drink," Delphine scoffed derisively.

"It's a fucking tavern, what else would I be doing here?!" Bishop shook his head with a wry smile.

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