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thanks for 100 reads, I did NOT expect this to get ANY reads tbh.

movie description: Steven (Ben Silverstone) spends his school days longing for all-star athlete John (Brad Gorton). But John has a gorgeous girlfriend, and Steven is still in the closet about being gay. The only one who knows the teenager's secret is his friend Linda (Charlotte Brittain). After a curious run-in with John in a public restroom, Steven starts to wonder if the jock is straight after all. When they start a romance, it threatens to expose the truth about both of them.

where to watch: give in "get real online free" you'll find it.

MY OPINION: this movie is literally one of my favorite movies, if not my favorite I love it so much. the end is so powerful, and I LOVEEEEE THE MAIN CHARACTER IVE NEVER SEEN SOMEONE LIKE HIM IN A MOVIE LIKE EVER BEFORE. I feel like this movie is not everyone's taste but it was definitely mine.

RATING: (10/10 stars)

watch this or I'll strangle you🙄

bye bye

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