Chapter 1

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So basically, meeting online friends who are from completely different countries isn't as bad as it would be initially thought.

The two girls were basically a complete blushing and flustered mess. Completely different people from their groupchats.

(Tip: Never believe the chats cause real life and messages are world's apart.)

Their group of friends just stared at them while sipping their drinks, completely not bothered. Nope not at all.

Ok maybe the 8 people present there shipped them and were internally screaming but the two didn't need to know.

Those two were way too lost in their own world. The older one completely flustered with how forward the younger was being.
But it was completely fake confidence as everyone could see her trying not to squeal and hide everytime the other did or said something.


"They should date...way too cute" One of the girls whispered while she leaned back on her chair, watching the fumbling and awkward pair.

"Should just get to the action. I need more grandbabies" the 'mother' of the group whined, pushing her long hair back.

"You do know we share a table and they heard us and now they're blushing stupidly?" one of youngest said, huffing in annoyance.

Another one sighed, slamming her head into the table. Her hair flying all over the place "My single ass is jealous."

"You're the one who keeps complaining about the guys in your school" The boy said, slurping his drink noisily.

"Shut up and let me complain, bitch."

"Actually they make a such a cute couple" A girl said, smiling happily. Probably the calmest of them all.

"WE'RE RIGHT HERE" the two people in question shouted at the same time, their faces as red as a tomato. They looked at each other and just stared in shock.

"Bruh I Told y'all! Made for each other!"


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