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sorry, i couldn't update yesterday! i tried my best to fit it into my schedule, but here it is.  :>


        Due to the slight altercation in her route to work that dragged her towards The Agency, Sugi pondered if she made the right decision. The last time she saw the agency was when she was at the ripe age of 19. 7 years had passed since then, and she had the occasional run-in with a few senior members, such as Ranpo and Fukuzawa. And, of course, that weasel Dazai.
Now, she had a past with the two others, but with Dazai? She despised him. His potential went to waste, and his constant need for double suicide irked her. If he was going to kill himself, why couldn't he do it by himself? A nice, calm, quiet death would be too nice for a mole rat like him. He deserved destruction.

Sugi rubbed her temples, staring up at the plain building. She didn't miss it, and maybe it wasn't too late for her. She could turn around, and sprint back towards her workplace.


She reassured herself, taking in deep breaths. The thought of walking into the building made her stomach churn. For her, their company was unwelcomed. She knew that she was an unwelcome guest by most of the people that inhabited the agency.

Stumbling into the building littered with too many windows for their own good, the detective cracked her back. What was this case about that she had to be called in? Or were they trying to recruit her once again? Obviously, she would reject the proposal just as she did the initial one. 
Upon walking to the elevator, she leaned back with her arms crossed. The treacherously long wait for the doors to open made her groan in annoyance. She wanted to get on with her day, and investigate the case presented to her. But life wouldn't go that easy on her.
When the doors had finally opened, she found herself in discomfort. The weasel was waiting the whole time inside the cramped space. Sugi huffed, squirming into the elevator.

"Okemia-San! You can at least say hello," Dazai teased, earning a glare from Sugi. This indicated her annoyance, but he just grinned—a shit-eating grin she wanted to knock off his face. "you should be kinder to your partner. We are working this case together." he finished.

The woman felt as if time stopped. She froze, tempted to bash her head into one of the many symmetrical sides of the space. "Mmh..." before she could speak, the elevator doors greeted her to an office of familiar faces. Ranpo and Kunikida were the first faces she laid eyes on. She nodded in their direction, not wanting to verbally greet anyone.

Dazai's "polite" gesture of extending his arms out indicated the classic lady's first manner. She grunted, walking out of the space as the maniac shortly followed behind her.

Avoiding her fate was impossible, and Sugi was soon bombarded by various greetings and a lazy embrace by Ranpo.

"Sugi! It's been a while," he chimed, releasing the grip around her waist. She nodded, patting the top of his head.
"I could've gone another seven years without seeing you, Ranpo," she replied. Sarcasm laced her words, but she was sincere. However, she could've gone a lifetime without stepping foot in this office. "Let's get to this case now, yes?" she finished. Sugi meant business.


     After the group dispersed and went to gather the material needed, they huddled at Kunikida's desk. Two unfamiliar faces crossed Sugi. A young teen who wore traditional clothing, and a young man with an atrocious haircut, and quite the outfit. To say the least, she wasn't impressed. But introductions could wait.

"Okemia Sugiyama, you should know that we called you in here today to discuss matters of utmost importance. What we discuss in here must stay within these walls," Kunikida started, starring down at his Doppo Poet. Oh, how Sugi despised the small diary. She nodded in response, "Yeah." the blonde went on to continue, "After the Guild's attack, Atsushi ran into some...complications. The disabling of Moby Dick was canceled out by a higher source who hacked into the system. If it hadn't been for Kyouka, we wouldn't be standing here right now. Amidst this madness, a string of unusual crimes trailed behind it. We need your ability, your intuition, and your mind for this case. Regardless of me being a part of the agency, I'm begging you, as a person, to assist us in this case. Are you okay with that?" he exhaled after the speech, leaving Sugi speechless.


That was a lot to take in, but she sucked up each word as if it was her last meal.  At least she finally knew who the two teens were. The only thing that was left was taking up the offer. If she did, she would take time off of her usual job, as she would be busy investigating the case. For now, she didn't know if it was a singular person or an entire group. But whatever it was, she had to figure out an answer. She had to figure out an answer fast. The aspects of this investigation factored in. 1.) She would have to partner with the weasel. 2.) She would be assisting in a case that she was already hooked on.

"I'm in, but if he" she pointed to Dazai who put up an innocent front, raising his hands in the air. "says one thing of double suicide, I'll drop the case and be put into jail for homicide."
Kunikida threw a threatening glance in Dazai's direction to which he responded with a, "What? I won't say a word!" Of course, the entire agency, including Sugi didn't believe a word that came out of him.
"Wonderful. Here are files containing the information that we have already complied with." And with that, a folder of assorted papers was slid across the desk and over to her.
She picked it up, tucking it under her arm. The detective preferred to do her work in solitary in the comfort of her home. It helped her concentrate, and she didn't want to be surrounded by idiots.

With one final nod and wave, she looked at Dazai. Regret drowned in her dull eyes as she spoke, "I need your number," she gagged at the demand, "it's for the case, so don't get any funny ideas. If you pick up a lead, which I'm sure you already have, call me. I want any information you have."
Sugi slid her phone over to the other that was acting like a child. It was as if he was glowing and sparkles laced his eyes. Excitedly typing his number into her contacts, he hummed in delight and grabbed her hand to which she recoiled. "I won't disappoint you, Okemia-Senpai!" he chimed.
Sugi exhaled in disgust and exited the office. Without a word, she pressed the button on the elevator. In seconds, she was once again on the first floor. She couldn't have walked out of the building any faster.

Upon her stroll along the sidewalk, her attention was grasped by a man not dressed appropriately for the season. Perhaps, he was a foreigner or a man with anemia. But it wasn't his attire that dragged her in. No, it wasn't that at all. It was the mysterious look in those eyes of his. A despicable look hidden behind bright purple orbs.

She made eye contact, sending shivers down her spine. He smiled a gentle smile, but it felt sickening. Sugi was suspicious, and that was what made him so strange. There was nothing wrong with him. She was just suspicious, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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