Chapter 1

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May's POV

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE NORMAL?!?" My dad yelled at me as he stomped out of my room and slammed the door behind me.

I put my face into my pillow and cried for hours on end. My father just never understood anything about me. He never really accepted that I was different from him and mom and that I had my own preference.

Hi, I'm May. And what you just witnessed was my father mad at me for not being "normal". Does that even exist? Who's normal in this world? My dad thinks he knows better than I do at everything when in reality, all he likes to do is be rude to me about my life choices. So what if I'm a gay? It's a thing that happens to people in life.

Yes. . . you heard it right. I'm gay. Well, the more technical term for me would be "lesbian" since I am a girl. But still. My dad always had a thing for discriminating me for every little thing that I do. But ever since I came out to my parents. . . he hasn't been supportive. In fact, he seems to act like I'll just suddenly go to being straight. Oh, I'm straight, alright. . . a straight-up LESBIAN! And I think I always will be. If only my dad could see that and love his only daughter no matter what.

What sucks about being lesbian, though, is that you're friends with a bunch of really cute boys but can't really date any of them. An example would be my guy friend, Trent. He's super supportive of my choices and he even told me that if I was straight, then he would ask to date me. And to be honest. . . I'd accept that date. But I'm stuck as a lesbian and there's nothing I'd ever do to change myself. I would never force myself to like guys no matter how many beatings I get from my dad.

Speaking of which, when I calmed down a bit, I took my left hand and rubbed my bare butt which had just gone through another belt smacking by my father. That's what he does to me. . . he grabs me by my arm, throws me on my bed, yanks down my pants and underwear, snaps his belt and smacks me on the butt with it. I had to go see the damage he did this time, so I got up, still half naked, and went into the upstairs bathroom and looked into the mirror at my butt. It was all red from the belt and it stung when I touched it. Man. . . you can tell how "anti-les" my father is from that. Well, that's what my mother said it was anyway. But I think he's just a huge dickhead who doesn't accept that I look girls. So what???

One time I was on a stroll with Trent and I caught him outside of a bar kissing another male. He was probably hungover, but I still told my dad and he denies ever doing that. Mom only laughed when I said that and that only got him more angry. And guess where that led to? A smack on the ass by his belt. I swear that guy sometimes just doesn't know how to chill.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" I heard my mom ask and I looked at her walking up to me in the bathroom.

"Of course not, Mom!" I said with a very serious tone. "Dad spanked me again with his belt! Do you think I'm okay?"

Mom took a look at my butt in the mirror and a frown formed on her face. "Oh, honey. . . I'm sorry that he did that." She apologized. And that's another thing about my mom. She's always apologizing to me for the things that my dad did to me. And I'm glad that she cares about me, but it does get kind of annoying at times.

"Don't be sorry, Mom." I said with a sigh. "Dad should apologize for ever doing this to me in the first place! Why can't he ever just accept that I'm different and like girls?" I was almost crying at this point. "Why, Mom. . . why?"

My mom pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back to calm me down (Something she did to me since I was a baby and it still works to this day). "It'll be okay, sweetie. I'll have a talk with your father and I want you to take a shower and get ready for bed." She said calmly. This is why I love my mom. She has always cared for me even in the darkest times. I may be 17 now, but that doesn't stop me from wanting and appreciating every last moment I have with my mom.

"Okay. . ." I simply said before the hug was broken and my mom left the bathroom to let me shower myself. I went back into my room and picked out a pair of PJs before I hopped into the shower.

After my shower, I wrapped the towel around me, brushed my teeth, and put my pajamas on. I didn't wear anything underneath because there was no point to me. I like sleeping naked, but I also have a 2 year old brother who just LOVES to climb out of his crib and walk into my room for some reason. My mom made me start wearing PJs to bed after the first time he did that when he went into my room and caught me naked in my bed in a position that someone his age shouldn't see his teenage sister in. So now I wear PJs. I'm still basically naked underneath the cloth. But thanks to my brother, I can't enjoy the full experience. But it is what it is, I guess.

But anyway, after I got into my pajamas, I went into my room and got under the covers. I had to pull my pants down a little bit in the back and lifted the blanket over my side so my butt could get some fresh air, but I made sure that my rear end faced the other side of the room so my brother wouldn't see my butt out in the open when he walked in her in the middle of the night. That's the closest I can get to sleeping naked nowadays.

Giving a heavy sigh, I just let my hand rest on my bare behind and slowly close my eyes before drifting off to sleep. Even though I could hear my parents yelling at each other downstairs, I was able to still sleep. . . with my door open! So I guess you could say I was very tired. . .

So. . . what did you guys think of the first chapter? Any thoughts on May's story about her home life? Go ahead and let all your thoughts out because I want to hear tour thoughts. 😁

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