Our "hero"

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Shigeru Nomura/Nomuru

Voiced by Devon Bostick/Jun Fukuyama

Age: 16 - 18

Height: 5'11"

Appearance: Has messy, unkempt black hair and dark green eyes. Usually wears a black cardigan sweater, green button up shirt, dark blue jeans, and black leather shoes

Personality: Shigeru possesses a complex personality forged by a challenging upbringing and a deep-seated distrust of others outside his family circle. He carries the weight of past mistreatment and bullying, resulting in a sense of caution and a reluctance to open up emotionally, even to his own younger brother. This past has instilled in him a resilient and guarded demeanor.

In the virtual world of SAO, Shigeru emerges as a formidable player who projects confidence and a hint of cockiness. He meticulously crafts an image of a gaming virtuoso, seizing control in the digital realm to compensate for real-life struggles. Shigeru's unique blend of resilience and cautious observation defines his approach to the game, making him a character driven by a desire to excel while navigating a complex web of trust and betrayal.

His penchant for referencing various movies, games, and pop culture phenomena adds a layer of wit and humor to his personality, demonstrating a sharp intellect beneath the surface. Shigeru's journey in the virtual world is not only a quest for survival but also a personal exploration of trust, camaraderie, and the power of forging connections in the face of adversity.

Armor: His first real set of armor is based on the Captain Morgan outfit from Assassin's Creed 4, but the coat is dark green and add a pair of Steampunk Distressed cuff knee high boots, remove the ascot and make the cuffs on the sleeves a little smaller, and add a hood attached to the coat. His second is based on Jack Sparrow, with a black hood, black coat, green waistcoat, dark green undershirt, dark blue pants, and a sage green sash. His third and final is Spiked Fox's Post-Apocalyptic Trench Coat but with green trim instead of red, a black hood, black v-neck shirt with green lining, black pants, and black boots.


D-guard Cutlass, based on the D-guard cutlass from PreferredArms (Starting weapon)

D-guard Cutlass, based on the D-guard cutlass from PreferredArms (Starting weapon)

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Skullbasher, based on Jody Samson's Skull Cutlass (Boss drop)

Air Chaser, based on Jody Samson's Fantasy Pirate War Cutlass (Player crafted by Lisbeth)

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Air Chaser, based on Jody Samson's Fantasy Pirate War Cutlass (Player crafted by Lisbeth)

Blade of the Sea King, based on the Matched Golden Swords from Assassin's Creed 4 (Player crafted by Lisbeth)

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Blade of the Sea King, based on the Matched Golden Swords from Assassin's Creed 4 (Player crafted by Lisbeth)

Blade of the Sea King, based on the Matched Golden Swords from Assassin's Creed 4 (Player crafted by Lisbeth)

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