special chapter

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Special Chapter: the explaination.

Yahoo minna!

I was inspired by a story by:

So read her/his story, cuz its a amazing story.

Which indicate that Asta was adpoted by Yami. But in this story, Yami IS the father of Asta.

Futher explaination of the story:

Yami Sukehiro had a girlfriend; Amy. But found out she was pregnant with his child but after a few months of the baby's birth she cheated on him.

Yami was mad and they got into an intense fight to when they broke off, Yami kept the baby as he was debating on what to do, he sighed.

"what am I going to do now?" He looked at the baby, carried the baby to Julius Novachrono.

As he arrived, he called his name. "Julius! Julius! Damn it Julius, come out!" He looked everywhere, then Julius came out. "fu- finally you came out of the dark" Julius was confuse, "what-" Yami cut him off by dragging him to another room.

"Yami! What is going on?!" Julius yelled which made the baby wake up and wail out, "damn it" Yami mutter, as he tried to shush the baby. "I was going to say it, now you wole up the damn child." Yami said as he looked at Julius as he was still shushing the child.

Yami explained everything to Julius. The child was now awake in Julius' arms, looking at Julius like an inyeresting toy, the child put his tiny hands on Julius while making a giggle. As the baby did this; an arrow went straight (which I'm not) to his heart. "what are you going to do now, Yami?" Julius said as he regain his consciousness and turned his head towards Yami, who was smoking, "yah! Dont smoke around children!" Julius then took the cigarette, threw it to the ground and crush it. "now listen here Yami!"

*after alot of scolding later*

"okay. I'm going to keep him." Yami said as he turned his head to the side. "What will be his name?" Yami looked at the child who was looking at him. "Asta. His name is going to be Asta."

"congratulations on being a dad, Yami."

"congrats on being an uncle, Julius"

"黙ってください Yami-"

In this story. Asta will have mana. He's going to be half angle and half demon. Happy reading😘😘😘

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