"What is your plan with her Jonah?"

I gelt myself grip my steeling wheel because I wasn't in the mood to talk to him, at least not yet. But then I also knew that any relationship had to go through him.

"I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend today."

"Ahhh I see."

Then there was a pause.

"Great. I'll see you guys at the metting."

And with that, he hung up.

Jack POV
"Leigh come on!" I yelled from the kitchen. I look at my watch and see that we only have about five more minutes. "If they leave without us, you're dead to me." I said as I walked into her room. She was sitting on the egde of her bed putting on her shoes. I notice that they were our matching ones she got me for my birthday two years ago. I smile as she gets up.


"Nothing. Now come on let's go!!!" I said as I grabbed her hand and yanked her out the room.

"You act like a child sometimes, I swear." She said as she rolled her eyes and laughed.

"That's Zach's roll."

When we finally got to the parking lot Daniel, Corbyn, Zach and Christina were already in their car. Jack and I get in the backseat of Jonah's.

"Where'd you go earlier?" Leigh asked as she put on her seatbelt.

I look at him to see that he has a huge smile on his face. "With Kelani."

"Did you finally ask her out?!" She asked getting all excited.

"I did."

"Ayyy, congrats man." I said as I punched his shoulder.

He smiled and thanked me. "On the way there Randy called and he did that thing where he has those terrible ideas but doesn't tell you."

"Been there." Leigh said.

"What did you say to him that made you think that."

"I brought up Kels and said that I was going to ask her to be my girl friend."

"Well... there's your answer dude. Now we just got to wait and see what happens."

When we finally arrived at the building, we all walked inside to see that Avani was already here.

"Great, now we can start. Take a seat." Randy said as he held at his arms.

We all sat down, all of us nervous on the inside.

"Leigh, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, thank you." She said blankly to him.

"So Jonah, how did it go with that Kelani girl?"

"She said yes."

"That's wonderful, I was hoping she would."

I watch Jonah give Leigh a funny look, but it was a quick one to where I almost didn't catch it.

"So what's this meeting for?" She asked as she leaned forwards.

"Most of it is going to be us talking about the Asia part of the tour. You still don't plan to go, right?"

She paused for a second. "No, I'm not going."

I knew that it was a tough decision for her to make. She has been talking about Asia non stop, and drama ruined it for her. I put my hand on her leg under the table, and she puts her hand on top of mine.

"That's sad to hear, but Jonah I think it would be a great idea for you to bring Kelani."

"You do?" He said.

"Yes, the public might actually like to see you with a girl because they never have. Plus that gives a girl Christina can be with. Now before you guys leave, can you leave me with the Wood twins social information? I need to ask both of them a view questions."

"Yeah, sure." Jonah said a little confused but went along with it.

"Oh and Zach, I think it's time for you to make a comeback onto social media. I get that you care for Leigh but that's not your drama and she can deal with her own problems."

"First off-" Zach said as he raised his voice. I kicked him under the table and he looked at me, "Okay."

"Leigh, some time today I'm going to need you to make a post about you and Zach. Make it seem like it was an accident post and you delete it quickly."

"Hold on, first you want us to not have drama, then you make her do that!" Zach said as he slammed his hand on the table.

"Zachary Herron, watch yourself." Randy said.

"How about fuck yourself." He said as he stood up and harshly pushed his chair back, storming out of the room.

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