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" never have i ever woken up in a cold hard sweat from a dream wondering if you'd ever say "goodbye," if i didn't say it first... "


"Why would you do that, Tsukishima?" was the last thing I heard before running home. I ran in and slammed the door behind me. My mom heard me running and knocked on my door, "Aurora... What happened?" No response. I didn't have the energy to reply, but I guess she knew since she just walked in without saying anything. I felt the bed cave in slightly and then felt her hand patting my hair down. "You don't have to tell me yet, I can wait." She said as she laid down next to me and hugged me. I turned around and the tears came out uncontrollably. "Why aren't I good enough for him, Mom? Am I not pretty enough? Am I annoying to him? What is it? Why won't he love me back?" I asked all the questions roaming around my mind, and every word felt like another crack to my already fragile heart. "You're perfect, Aurora," my mom said as she kissed my head. "If he can't see that, then you shouldn't waste your time on him. You deserve someone who makes you feel loved. Your first love should be someone who helps to fill in the gaps of your story, and you their's. 

Before I realized, I fell asleep in my mom's comforting arms with tears soaking my pillow. It was days before I actually felt like getting up and out of bed. I slept all day, and if I wasn't asleep I would be on my phone. I didn't answer anyones texts, though. I was on my phone for the purpose of entertainment from social media. I fell asleep at around nine p.m. one night, and when I woke up, the boys were all in my room doing whatever. "Guys? Why are you here?" I grumbled, still grumpy from my slumber. "Your mom called." Tobio said, turning around to face me, since he was laying on the bed aswell. "You guys don't all have to come everytime she calls one of you." I scolded. "I can take care of myself. Tobio grabbed a piece of my hair and tried running his fingers through it. "Ow!" Tobio stood up and grabbed a hair brush. "Sit up. You haven't brushed your hair in days." He brushed through my hair, starting from the bottom, of course. Tobio knew how to take care of a girl, but everyone knew he was a big fat simp for Hinata. He finished brushing my hair and tied it into a bun, just like I like. "Thank you, Tobi.." I gave a half-smile. I was embarrased at the fact that my mom had to call my friends just to get me up, but I appreciated it because they always make things better.  I looked back up at him and saw him blushing. Why is he blushing...? I shot him a confused look and he fast blinked a few times. "You've never called me Tobi before.." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Ohhh... Right? I should call you Tobi more so you get flustered~!" I giggled and tickled his armpits. His armpits were his weak spot for tickling. I would know. I've tickled him so much, mainly because his King Of The Court looking self is never smiling. 

He was giggling and smiling, and we love to see it. "Stop, Aura!" He screamed for me to stop, but that just got everyone else to start tickling him. "Oh, yeah! Make fun of Kageyama day! Favorite day, like, EVER." Kageyama said in a fit of laughter and squirming. "I KNOW right?" I smile while messing up his hair. He hates when others mess up his hair but I don't think he minds when I do. If he does mind, he sure doesn't show it. He sighs and fixes his hair. He plops back down on the bed and acts dead. We all stare at him and we know he feels like. It's dead quiet in my room and everyone is just staring at the black haired boy on the bed. "Ritual time..." I whisper, and do a crazy evil villian laugh. The room goes quiet and I grab my fake metal chalice. I pour water in it and pass it around. "Take a drink, my dearies." I smirk and take a glance at Tobi on the bed. "Now we are united. The water of the 7 deadly sins will now be poured onto the sacrifice." I say and pour the water all over Kags. He yelps and screams. "COLD!" He rushes up and goes to the bathroom. 

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