For the most part, everyone had gone back to their previous conversations, hopefully my outburst was already a distant memory in their minds. But I could still hear John and his friends laughing from their table. They probably weren't even laughing at me anymore, but I felt like they still were. So, grabbing my bowl and my backpack, I decided to head to class, despite how early I was.


I didn't talk to anyone all day, other than a few comments here and there to classmates over assignments. TJ did apologize to me for pushing me too far, which I appreciated, although I wasn't mad at him. I was, however, lost in thought about what John was possibly thinking about my comment. I was fairly sure he wasn't going to forget it anytime soon. But, even though we had a few classes together, he didn't say a word to me.

I was just gathering up my stuff to leave the history classroom - my last class for the day - when I heard Mrs. Peterson call my name. I walked over to her desk, only to realize that she had also called John over. Everyone else had left the classroom already, so it was just the three of us.

Mrs. Peterson sat behind her desk. For the first time, I really looked at her. She was probably in her fifties, her short hair obviously dyed brown, with her natural gray roots coming in. Her face was expressionless, as it was most times. I had a bad feeling this was going to be about our project.

"What happened on Friday with your presentation isn't acceptable behavior," she said. I was right. "John, I've told you this many times before: you need to do your fair share of the work, no matter who your partner may be." She looked at me. "Spencer. You should have come to me when John wasn't pulling his weight. Do not ever pull a stunt like that again. You will both be staying late today for detention. Okay?"

She smiled, making the wrinkles around her eyes more defined, but I wasn't feeling any warmth from her. There was a sinking feeling in my stomach, like I was about to throw up. I knew it was a bad idea to switch those cards. Not only did it complicate whatever was going on between John and me, but now I was given my first ever detention.

"But I have practice!" John exclaimed. "I can't miss any of it."

"Well you should have thought about that before skipping out on your work. Both of you, take a seat."

With a sigh, John walked over to one of the desks and sat down. I was expecting more of a fight from him. Instead, he just leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head. He looked like he was getting comfortable. How many times had he been in detention before?

I slid back into the desk I sat in for class, a couple rows away from John. Was I allowed to take out my homework and work on that? Or was I just supposed to sit here thinking about what I'd done?

Mrs. Peterson stayed behind her desk. I watched her for a bit as she graded some assignments and typed away on her computer. Every once in a while, she'd look up at us. When she did that, I quickly dropped my gaze to my desk, not wanting to get caught watching her.

Sometimes, I watched the clock instead of Mrs. Peterson. It sat up above the door, the hands moving extremely slow. How long were we expected to stay here, sitting in silence? An hour? Two? Five? I had no clue how detentions worked, but I was afraid to ask.

About twenty minutes into our detention, Mrs. Peterson stood up from her desk, a few papers in her hand. "Alright, boys," she said. "I have to go make some copies. Stay here. Don't talk. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I nodded and she left. Now I was officially alone with John. I didn't know what to do.

About fifteen seconds passed before John slid into the desk next to mine. "So," he started. "You're not in love with me, huh?"

I stared at him, his blue eyes bore into mine, making me forget about everything else. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Although I was glad he didn't also mention Marc. I didn't know how I'd be able to get out of that one, too. "My friend thinks I am," I said quietly. "But I only just met you."

"Does he know? That we kissed? That you enjoyed it?"

I shook my head. How could he think I'd tell? I wasn't that kind of person to out someone.

He smiled. "Good."

The next second, he was kissing me. I kissed him back, loving the feel of his lips on mine. I turned in my seat to completely face him, clinging to his shirt. I desperately needed him to be closer to me.

Then I remembered that we were in a classroom. That Mrs. Peterson could walk in at any moment.

I pushed John off me, trying to catch my breath.

"What?" he asked, a cocky grin on his face. "Don't want this?"

"We're gonna get caught."

John laughed, running his hands along my thighs. "She's not coming back for a while. She does this all the time."

[Bit of mature content]

Before I could say anything else, his hand brushed up against my crotch. I gasped at the contact. I was already hard. I didn't know if I should've been embarrassed at that or not.

"See?" John asked, putting a bit more pressure on me down there. "I knew you wanted me."

I was still trying to come up with something to say when John slowly unzipped my jeans. Any thoughts that were in my head before were suddenly gone. All I could focus on was John as he pulled me out. He knelt on the ground and swiftly put his entire mouth around me.

I let out another gasp as I gripped the edge of the desk with one hand and the back of the chair with my other. It felt so good. It was hard to believe he'd never been with a guy before. But maybe it was just because he was the first guy to do this to me. I didn't have anything to compare him to.

Either way, between his mouth and tounge and hand, I was soon reaching my climax. I couldn't even warn him before I was releasing everything into his mouth. He sat back on his heals with a grin, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

Then the doorknob jiggled. I quickly tucked myself back into my pants, hoping my face wasn't as bright red as it felt.

Mrs. Peterson walked into the room just as John stood up. She eyed us carefully.

"Dropped it," John said casually, like he didn't just have my dick in his mouth thirty seconds ago. I looked at him to see him holding up a pencil. 

She nodded her head slowly, almost like she didn't believe him, but thankfully didn't comment. "I lost track of time. You boys are free to go."

I immediately grabbed my backpack and rushed out of the room, not even waiting for John. But he caught up to me before I got outside.

"Here's your pencil back," he said, handing it back to me. "It was sticking out of your backpack. Figured it was a good excuse."

I took it. How did I not see him doing that? "I don't think she believed you."

John pushed open the door and we stepped outside. "I don't care. It was the best detention I ever had."

He made a left down the sidewalk, heading in the direction of the gym building, probably to get to the rest of practice. I just stood in the middle of the sidewalk, staring after him.

Did we really just do that?

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