001. Panic Room

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6 years ago

“Hey, kid. We're here.” Serenity inhaled sharply, watching as the gunship doors opened and she looked to the trooper that spoke to her. “Thank you, Dino. I'll be seeing you later?”

“Sure will, kid. Good luck.” The trooper, Dino, replied with a wide smile on his scarred face, making him look less intimidating. Serenity returned it before she stepped off the gunship, watching as it took off moments after, leaving Serenity to watch it grow smaller and smaller in the distance.

“Okay. Just stay calm, Ren. You'll be fine. Just listen to your Master, listen to his teachings, and you'll be fine.” She muttered to herself before she exhaled softly and walked farther into the field, seeing men with purple painted armor running back and forth across the field, shouting orders.

“Commander, I need you to move your men back towards the trench immediately. We need to draw the enemy in.” Serenity heard as her eyes wandered to the sound of the voice and she saw the main person she was looking for.

Pong Krell. Her Master.

“Um..sir? There's a youngling here.” A clone trooper said as Serenity snapped from her trance and looked to him before looking back at Krell. “Thank you, Lieutenant. Dismissed.”

“Yes, sir.” The trooper ran off, leaving Serenity to approach her new Master nervously. “Um.. I'm Serenity. I believe I was assigned to you, Master Krell.”

“Yes. I believe you were. It is a pleasure to meet you, Serenity.” Krell said kindly while nodding his head in respect. “It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Master. I can't wait to learn under you. I'm looking forward to it.”

“And I am looking forward to passing my old Master's teachings to you as well, Serenity.” Serenity smiled sweetly, her nervous anxiety subsiding as she did. She knew there was nothing she had to worry about. As long as she followed his teachings, she will make a great Jedi Knight.

That's what she believed at first. She never knew it would all go down hill after almost 6 years.

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