🌘Chapter 2🌒

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All of the children in the house were gathered in the hall.

"Good news everyone!" Mama exclaimed, catching everyone's attention.

Mama looks in the direction of the four best friends. A tangerine, a white-haired boy and girl, and a raven head. The four are seven years of age. The white-haired girl was beside the raven head. The girl was happily talking to the raven head as the latter was silently listening before their mama caught their attention.

"Come, Luna." Mama called for the seven-year-old white-haired girl.

The said girl tilted her head in confusion but goes in front of her mama. But before she approached the adult, she turned to her left where the raven head stood beside her. Their gazes met.

Mama Isabella smiled at the approaching girl and as the girl arrived in front of her, she turned the girl to face the others, her hands resting on the little girl's shoulders.

"Our sweet Luna here is getting adopted!" She announced causing a certain raven head's eyes to widen in shock and fear.


"Congratulations Luna!"

"I'm so happy for you Luna!"

A series of happy wishings were heard as the mentioned girl smiled in thanks.

"But what about Norman mama?" Don, a six-year-old boy asks.

"Isn't Norman coming with me, mama?" Luna looks up to the adult.

"I'm sorry. But it's only you Luna." Mama answered in a soft voice, looking down at the snow-haired girl.

"But-but we're twins." Luna stated.

"I'm sorry my dear." Mama gave her an apologetic smile.

The white-haired-girl tugged on Isabella's dress. "Can I ask the ones who will adopt me to adopt Norman too?"

Isabella cupped her cheek. "I'm afraid we can't my dear. They only asked for you."

Luna looks towards her twin with quivering lips, their eyes meeting each other.

"W-When will Luna l-leave mama?" Emma asks, her voice filled with sadness.

"The day after tomorrow my dear. After dinner." The adult answered.

Emma run towards Luna and wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly. The former can't anymore hold back as tears streamed down her face. The latter surprised at the former's action wraps her arms around the crying girl patting her back gently as she smiled sadly.

" It's okay Emma, it's okay. " The girl comforted the little ginger head.

She smiled. "It's okay." A tear escaped her sapphire eyes.

Everyone seeing the scene in front of them felt a pang in their chests. Sadness then was shown on everyone's faces.

"Luna..." Norman muttered with glossy eyes.

"Tsk." Ray turns his head away. A tear escaping his left eye.


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Chapter 3 will be published next week Friday.

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