Chapter 11 - Closing Doors

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Kabir frowned. "I was hoping —"

"Fine." Khushi shook her head as she looked at him and sighed. "It's okay Pi. We will get the cake as everything else is ready. Until then, why don't you go downstairs and check what's going on in the kitchen with Chef Chachu?"

If Payal was surprised, she didn't show it on her face. She left reluctantly, leaving the two alone in the room.

"Terrace." Khushi said to him in a flat tone, and Kabir followed her.

The moment they were on the terrace, she turned to him, her lips set in a straight line as she watched him look at her with a smile.

"This is what I mean, Khush. You understand me, and you care about me more than you know. The feelings you deny are there, deeply rooted in your heart. You have not realised it yet or just ignoring them for some reason!"

Khushi let out a defeated sigh. "What do you want me to do, Kabir?"

"What are you scared of, Khush? What is stopping you from being with me?"

"Nothing. For the third time in the last four days, I say it again. I don't feel for you the way you think I do, Kabs. Please, samajh mujhe" Khushi pleaded. "And no, I am not scared of anyone. No one is forcing me to anything. It's you who has figured this out all wrong."

"You and I share —"

"A beautiful friendship, nothing else." Khushi cut in quickly. "If you don't understand what I feel for you, it is going to get awkward between us yaara, and also with the gang."

"Don't do this, Khush." Kabir took a step towards her and saw her expression change. He stepped back immediately. "At least think about it for some time and then let me know. I still feel, your first instant reaction that evening was your heart's response. Has something happened—"

"You tricked me to get me into a situation for your benefit, and I tricked you to get out of it for mine!" She cried out and then ran her fingers through her hair. "There — I said it! Am I clear enough now?"

Kabir flinched as if been slapped. His brain was ordering him to walk away from her, but his heart wouldn't listen to him. He knew she cared about him more than anyone else he knew, but such words hurt regardless.

"How many times do I have to keep saying the same thing to you, Kabir? Aren't you hurt enough?" Khushi finally snapped, anger flushing her face pink.

"And I am fuckin' tired of listening to this bullshit!" Kabir bellowed as his temper flared at her tone. "I cannot believe you are saying this to me! Is it that simple for you? One moment you say yes, the next you say no? You think this is funny? Those words meant everything to me, Khush!"

They fell silent, and her face softened as she looked at him, troubled and lost.

"Kabs, listen to me. I hate doing this to you, but you've got to accept this. I am sorry. But you can't just go into denial like this. Please, let's just stop this now. I hate hurting you, so don't make me say these hurtful things to you. Just like you want me to, should I not hope for you to understand me too?"

"Stop it? Do you even realise that it hurts when you say that?" Kabir bit out in frustration and walked away from her. But something made him change his mind, and he stopped mid-stride. He turned around and walked towards her again. "Is it my smoking or boozing that's driving you away from me? Is that the issue?"

"No! I mean, yes! Of course, it bothers me! I would like you to quit both because you are better off without these things. But it has nothing to do with —"

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