4- results

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Im soooo sorry!!! I know I haven't put anything up yet but I promise I will try to get out as many chapters I can!!! It's like 4 in the morning and I haven't slept all night so once again I'm sooo sorry!!

I slowly woke up and tried to stretch out my arms when I realized that a strong pair of muscular arms were wrapped around my waist.
"Why are you up so early n/n?"
N/n? Wow I haven't heard that in such a long time..
I heard a sweet but strong voice behind me,
"Uhh I forgot! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you up!!"
I said with a bit of panic in my voice
"Shhh, it's to early..."
He said softer as he put his head into the crook of my neck, it felt so good, his hot breath on my neck and his soft deep morning voice. My face quickly heated up and I made a quick excuse to get out of his grasp.
"Uhhh Katsu can you umm let go of me I have to go to the bathroom..."
I said softly. He started opening his eyes and finally realized in what position we were in.
He had his head in the crook of your neck his arms wrapped around your waist and you were holding his hands trying to get him off.
He quickly let go as I rushed to the bathroom.

Katsu POV ( bet u were expecting that huh?)

I was glad that she went to the bathroom, so now she didn't have to see the fifty shades of red on my face.
Ugh y/n what are you doing to me? The way you softly smile and your beautiful hair face, and Eyes, Your making  me feel like how I felt when we were kids...
I haven't felt that in a while...
I like it though....
But still..
I want this feeling


I rushed to the bathroom as fast as I could
I hope he didn't see me looking like I got sun burnt I'm more that fifty shades of red!!!

Damn it's that feeling again...
Ugh Katsu stop making me feel like this...
This isn't fair play..

Time skip
(Brought to you buy your lazy ass author that is lazier than Shikamaru! [if y'all know what I'm sayin])


Once I got home I checked my mail box to see if I had gotten the U.A letter yet.
And to my surprise it finally came!
I rushed into my house and ripped it open!
A little device fell out of it?
all might?
"Congrats on getting in young l/n you have gotten first place! You got 169 villain points and 55 rescue points! In total you have 224 points! And let's not forget you passed the written exam with flying colours! Good job on getting into the hero course I can't wait to teach you! So go beyond 'PLUS ULTA' "

Tears came to my eyes...
I felt complete, finally
"I- I did it... I DID IT!!!"
'Mom dad are you proud of me will you continue helping me?'

I had to tell katsu

Soft explosion  k.Bakugou X reader    Where stories live. Discover now