The bookshop

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There she is, my favourite customer. Every week she walks through my door and looks at all the books in my shop. She walks around to engulf herself in the scent of old books, but she always ends up at my counter. Eager to hear which book I would recommend to her. The first time she stood here asking if I could give my opinion on a book, I wasnt really interested in her. She was just another girl who likes to read romantic novels because her own life is dull. The second time however, she asked if I had other books, more gruesome books, I was intrigued. By now she has read the most horrible and morbid tales most people dont even want to look at.

She opens the door and follows the same path that she has been walking for weeks. I pretend that I am writing an email, but my eyes keep shifting to the girl in front of me.

'Good morning Will. Any new books that you can recommend?'

Slowly I lift my head up and smile at the impatience that sounded through her sentence. 'Of course, I have one. You should know that by now, Valerie.'

'I hope it is as good as the last one. The ending was just terrific. I get goosebumps just by thinking of it', she says as she rubs her arm.

'Then you will definitely like this one', I say while picking the book up and showing it to her. 'Its about a girl who gets killed by a person who she trusted with her own life. Youll be amazed by the killing part, very detailed and realistic. Just your cup of tea.'

'Thank you, I am quite sure I will love it, she says while paying for her book.'

And then the most prodigious thing happens. She gives me a kiss on my cheek. For a moment I am utterly astonished. This wasnt supposed to happen. I started to feel a tingling warmth creeping on the inside of my body, but that feeling is quickly suppressed by the intensity of my thoughts. I couldnt wait to meet her again. Cause since last week I started to see her as something different from the girl that walked into my bookshop the first time. Now I see her as my next victim.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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