17: Situations taking a happy turn...

Start from the beginning

When they came, into the room, she frowned at the sight of Alya.

"Hi! Prin..ugh! Mari !" Adrien had completely forgotten that he was visiting Marinette as Adrien and not Chat Noir.

"Hello dudette." Nino managed to say. However, there was no response from Alya, she stood there like a statue, unsure of what to say.

Nino gave a playful nudge at Alya's arm, indicating that she should apologize.

She took a deep breath. " Marinette, I wanted..-"

"What? You wanted another interview about how do I know Ladybug's identity." She coldly asked.

Ever since their argument, Alya had only wanted interviews from Marinette about ladybug's identity or how they became friends and all those stuff.

"Marinette, she wants to-" Nino was cut off by 

"No, Nino, I deserve this." Alya sadly said.

Marinette softened at Alya's words.

"Listen, Marinette! I just uhm.. wanted to apologize about whatever I've done. I know that I've been very selfish and rude. I am so sorry. Please forgive me." She said.

"No! I will never forgive you for what you've done!" Marinette scoffed.

"I guess, I deserved that." Alya muttered sadly.

"Until, you promise that we will always remain best friends." Marinette said, with a smile put up on her face, but she was unprepared for what came next. Alya had wrapped her arms around her very tightly.

Tears came rolling down their cheeks.

"Hey! Why are you crying, Al?" Marinette asked.

"Why are youuuu crying, gurl? Alya said.

Then they both started rolling on her bed, laughing like hell. 

Adrien and Nino were happy for their best friends. And for Adrien, he missed that sweet, hearty laugh of his princess. He had noticed, bags under Marinette's eyes when they had entered her room, which meant that, she must've been crying the whole night.s Adrien felt guilty.

But he had to do this, for her safety, but in the process, he was hurting Marinette emotionally. Why can't he put up his relationship like anyone else? No matter what happens, he will always save Marinette, even, if it costs his own life and for that, he didn't need to stay away from her. She was a drug to him, an intoxicating drug and he couldn't live without her.

Eventually, they had a wonderful evening and then they said their goodbyes to each other, once again leaving Marinette to become a prey for loneliness.

Fortunately, her homeworks and designs had kept her busy all evening. But when night fell, her thoughts roamed around a certain, alley cat.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on the trapdoor. She was surprised as Chat had already told her his last goodbye.

She opened it and to her surprise, a black cat entered into her room. She was utterly confused.

Before she could say anything, Chat Noir smashed his lips onto hers. Eventually, her hands stroked her blonde hair. His hands moved to her waist.

Oh, how he missed the taste of her lips. 

They broke the kiss as air content in their lungs were falling short..

"So, how did you change your decision, Chaton?" She smirked, playfully.

He said, "I can't stay without you princess, and I will protect you no matter, what? But that doesn't mean that we have to stay away from each other, I love you Marinette, and I can't hurt you emotionally. So I have changed my decision, that I would not stay away from your, rather I couldn't stay away from you, princess. I am so addicted to you.

Marinette giggled and they both were really happy. As for Marinette, situations did really take a turn.

But little did they know that they've made a big mistake...

Phew! Finally, finished! Bai, Bai , guys..

"What do you think will happen next? What mistake did they make?"

Anyway, Love you!

Anyway, Love you!

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