Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to All of the Band Kids!

~that moment when you have the Alma Mater (or both/more) stuck in your head because you were a band kid or colorguard member who had to sing it

~that one band member who wants to be a band director in the future

~when someone says to a flute player, "your instrument isnt hard!"

~when that person tries the flute and nearly dies

~the one band member who is -obssesed- with band

~when theres a 3rd trombone part and its the tuba part (me right now with the bass trombone)

~the one band member who has popular music for their instrument

~when you get a new band director in the middle of the middle/high school years

~when you dont meet your colorguard coach til a week before a football game

~when you watch a movie or hear a song and instantly think of a cool field/winterguard/drumline show

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