(C/N): I-I do not!

(Y/N): You do so (C/N). Even still though, even if you had homework you actually needed to complete, you will be at my doorstep with the homework in your hands in a heartbeat.

(C/N): I-I...

I basically just cornered her there. Sighing to herself, she gave up and confessed.

(C/N): Promise me you won't tell anyone?

(Y/N): Your secret is safe with me.

I should've kept an open mind first, because the next sentence she said literally blew me away in shock. Blushing darker, she finally spoke.

(C/N): I-I have a crush on Jonathan.

My eyes basically looked like dinner plates as they widen in shock. That, and my heart was basically tearing away from my chest.

The person I ever cared so much for is falling in love with someone else.

(Y/N): Wait... S-Seriously?!

(C/N): Yeah... Honestly it started out at a small crush, but I just ignored it. However, as I hanged out with him more and more, I founded myself falling in love with him.

My vision around me was all blurry, as if anything else didn't matter right now. The only thing I was hearing was (C/N)'s voice and my heartbeat. My heart was slightly slowing down, as if I was slowly dying.

(C/N): ...but yeah that's why I wasn't spending that much time with you (Y/N). I'm sorry for not telling you anything sooner.

I snapped out of my daze when (C/N) gives me a small smile. Blinking a few times, I gave her a slightly convincing fake smile and give her a thumbs up.

(Y/N): Don't worry, I understand now.


Eventually, (C/N)'s focus was mainly on Jonathan. It REALLY stabbed my heart, but what can I do? My best friend has fallen in love with another boy. It makes me want to hate Jonathan, but I couldn't.

He was a nice guy, very chill. We both have similar tastes when it comes to anime and manga. He was also sweet and kind to (C/N), so I guess that's why she fell for him.

It was also partially my fault too.

I was the only who was a coward and not telling her about my feeling sooner. If I would've confessed to her sooner, then none if this would've happened.

Back to present day, (C/N) told me earlier this morning that she was going to confess to Jonathan at the cafe they always go to, and it made me even more depressed. I didn't show it though, I just showed a fake smile and gave her unconditional support.

The end of the day arrives, and the thought of my best friend and crush leaving me was unbearable. It's like my heart is going to burst and explode in my chest.

Seeing (C/N) wave goodbye to me was one of the most heartbreaking things I've experienced in a while. That smile she has on her face could've been the last time I would've seen her for a long time.

Sighing sadly to myrself, I just readjusted my glasses and walked to the entrance of the school.

(scene break)

(Crush's POV)

Oh my god... I'm so damn nervous right now. I'm literally about to confess to Jonathan! I barely ate anything since I was that nervous! We just finished eating our lunch and Jonathan was paying for it.

Female Crush X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now