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(Y/N) - Your Name
(C/N) - Crush's Name


(Author's POV)




???: (Y/N), wake up~

(Y/N): (yawns) Mmm... What time is i-


(Y/N): AHHHH!!!

You jumped away from (C/N), who just realized she scared the hell out of you.

(C/N): Ahhh... Sorry sorry. I guess I went overboard there.

(Y/N): Damn... You know, you could've waited until I was out of bed before you shouted...

(C/N): My bad, but I was soooo excited! Today's the day where God has brought an angel upon this world!

(Y/N): (blushes slightly) Heh... Jeez you're so corny.

(C/N): (pouts) I really mean it, you know. We've been dating for almost an entire year. I just-

You quickly shutted her up by giving her a massive hug.

(Y/N): You dork, I love you too. Always have, always will.

(C/N): (looks away and deeply blushes)

You softly chuckled to yourself before you replied once more.

(Y/N): Now come on, what does my wonderful girlfriend have planned for my birthday?

(C/N): (pulls away and smiles widely) Lots actually! I actually planned everything a month in advanced. This will definitely make sure that this'll be your best birthday ever!

(Y/N): Heh, then let's not waste any time! Let's go!


So (C/N) took you a joyride across the city. Apparently she was able to get reservations for this amazing restaurant that sells exquisite quality food.

Alot of your friends happened to pass by and wish you happy birthday as well.

Next you both hit the arcade and spent a couple hours trying to win some of those prizes on the higher shelf. Eventually you two had enough tickets to get one of the higher priced prizes.

Afterwards, (C/N) took you to the movie to watch the newest movie that came out a few days ago. You both enjoyed it, and loved the ending.

To end the day off, it was (C/N) driving you to a secluded part of the beach to watch the sunset. Our lucky boy was also using her lap as a pillow.

(Y/N): Man... We did so much today...

(C/N): I know right? It was great.

(Y/N): Hey, (C/N).

(C/N): Yeah?

(Y/N): Thank you... This birthday was amazing.

(C/N): (smiles at you) Anything for you, my love.

(Y/N): (smirks) That just makes me determined that I have to do better for your birthday!

(C/N) then leans down and pecks your lips. You just softly laughed and looked at each other's eyes as the sun finally sets in the distance.


Author's Note:
Here's a short and sweet one. Hope you all enjoyed.

Honestly I just wanted to make this one since it was my birthday today. Haha.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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