Chapter 1 Ayden

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In the year 1915, a little boy was born. The proud parents of Ayden Rose had not

expected what had happened five years into the future. Ayden had bright copper hair,

from his father Leo , and pale skin from his mother, Emma . He also had

bright blue eyes from his great grandmother, on his mom's side, Emily Marie.

Ever since young Ayden Rose could walk he's been a little explorer. He'd run all

over the place and investigating everything. His parents had trouble keeping track of

their little expeditionist. They thought when he got older he would be safari explorer. . .

Boy were they wrong. Anyway more on that later.

The Rose family didn't live in a big house. They lived in a small apartment in

Waipahu. So often times Ayden's parents would take him to the park down the road. It

was such a bright and colorful park. Kids and parents would come everyday to watch

their kids play and talk with one another.

"AYDEN COME BACK!" Yelled Emma trying to catch up with her son. Ayden was about

to walk on the road into traffic, then he turned his head to the sound of his mother

calling to him. He didn't understand much of what she was saying. Ayden only

understood a few words like his name, yes, no, momma, dada and a few others, at age 1.

At the sight of his mother running to him, Ayden cheerfully blurted out, "

Momma!" While clapping his hands and waddling slowly to his mother. His mom

finally catches up with him. She picks him up telling him "No. You don't go over there,

sweetie. It's dangerous over there. You have to stay with momma. Okay?" For the most

part Ayden understood what she was saying and nodded.

Now in 1920, Ayden is now 5 years old and a lot more active. Constantly his mom

and dad would hear this. "Mommy I wanna go to the pawk! Let's go to the pawk!"

"Daaaaaad!! Lets pway, you neva pway with me!" Ayden's father worked for a cable

company so he wasn't home during the day to play with his son. Ayden's mother,

however, was an artist so she worked from home. Even though she was

a popular artist she didn't make a lot of money selling her paintings. She had to work

from home because she didn't trust a babysitter to watch him if she had to leave the

house for work.

"Mommy! Mommy! Let's play! Let's play!" Ayden shouted at his mother.

"No, honey. Not right now. Mommy's working" His mom said as she was working on

a beautiful painting of a sunset landscape. "NO! I Wanna Play Now!" Ayden pouted.

"Sweetheart I said not now! Go play with your toys, we can play later when mommy's

done ." "Fiiiiine" Ayden complains as he stomps away to the bedroom.

As the days went on Ayden's mother and father found a day where they both

didn't have to work. On Friday, the thirteenth of May, 1920. Ayden's Parents told him

that on that day there was a birthday they were invited to at the pool. Ayden happily

jumped up and down really excited. Young Ayden had no idea what was going to happen

that fateful day, nor did his parents.

At 9:35 p.m the Roses left their apartment to leave for the pool. Ayden being only

five years old does not know how to swim because his parents didn't have the time to

teach him.

Now after a twenty-minute drive and after fifteen times of Ayden asking " Are we

there yet?" They finally arrived at the pool to their good friends, Layla, and Thomas's,

little girl's birthday. After they greeted each other Emma, Leo, Layla, and Thomas went

to the roofed area of the deck with their little girl, Cherry, following shortly behind.

Ayden however. . .

Ayden went on without his parents. He ran over to the edge of the crystal blue

pool and stared into the water. His parents had thought he was following behind them

with Cherry and didn't give it another thought. But, not thinking of his actions little 5

year old Ayden jumped into the deep end of the pool. Poor little Ayden was going to

drown in the pool if he didn't get any help soon! Ayden was in a panic. He tried to reach

for the edge but was too little to reach it. He tried to make his way to the steps of the

pool but he didn't know enough about how to swim to do so. He was rapidly swallowing

water gulp after gulp trying to swim to the surface.

Ayden was trying to scream for help but the water was rushing into his body from

his mouth and nose. Soon after when his parents and friends got to him. It was too late.

Ayden had already sunk to the bottom of the pool. Lifeless and cold to the touch.

Emma, Leo, Layla, and Thomas's eyes filled with tears. Ayden's parents hit their knees

and stared at the poor lifeless body of their first and only son.

In a few months' time, the Rose family invited all of their closest friends and

family to his funeral. The coffin was small, shiny and black. There were exotic kinds of

flowers and plants to commemorate how much he loved to explore.

It was a truly tragic day. On that day Ayden Rose was written in the book of the

Annual Obituaries. 

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