chapter twenty three

Start from the beginning


Natalie walked in between Clay and Justin into school. In one hand she was playing on her phone and in the other she was holding Justin's hand despite her overlarge windbreaker not making it obvious.

"What the hell have you two got to say for yourself?" Justin and Natalie heard as they turned to see Jessica's father yelling. Jessica was yelling at him to stop as he made his way closer to the couple. "You be very careful of yourself, young man." He pointed his finger at Justin.

Natalie rolled her eyes as she pulled Justin by his hand back into school. She felt so humiliated in front of everybody and couldn't imagine how Jessica or Justin was feeling.

After school, Natalie, Justin and Clay met Sherri at Monet's. "We've gotta get in there. We have a plan." Clay says, turning to look at Sherri who was sitting right next to him.

"What's the plan?" Sherri asked, taking a sip of her coffee. Justin pulls out a large pair of pliers and Natalie nods. "Seriously? That's the plan? Put those away."

"What? Why?" Justin asks quickly and Sherri's eyes widen.

"Why not just break down the door?" Sherri asked.

"Because then the door would be broken." Justin says causing a quick eye roll from Natalie.

"Exactly. What I'm saying is we gotta do it without tipping them off that we were there." Sherri nods.

"So I'll try to get in with Bryce." Natalie shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Nat, babe, you are the most suspicious person to go in there. Let me handle this. I'll text you guys." Sherri says and stands up quickly.


"They put my picture in this box with like a billion others." Sherri said after Natalie typed in the code on her notes app.

"Like trophies? That's fucking disgusting." Natalie rolled her eyes at her brother and his disgusting friends as she fell into Justin's chest.

"Insurance." Justin nodded "What happens in the Clubhouse stays in the Clubhouse."

"We have to get those pictures. We'll go during the game." Clay shakes his head.

"You go. I'm out. I can't go back there." Sherri takes a deep breath.

"I'm out too. My parents will be watching me like a hawk all afternoon." Natalie takes a deep breath.


"So what is your plan long-term?" Porter asked as he leaned back in the chair.

"I'll get a job, save up. Natalie will go to USC and we'll move to LA so I can get a place." Justin shrugged. Sounded like a perfect plan to him.

"Justin, I'm not gonna be at this job much longer and whoever replaces me will want you back at your moms house. This is gonna be hard for you and you need to let people help. You need to let go of your past wrongs and figure out what you can do right. Understand me? Take care of yourself, Justin." Porter nodded.

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