Chapter 1

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                        Seeley's Pic on the side>                                 

                                                        Seeley's Pov.

I sigh as I continue driving to pick up my kids from my brother’s.

It was very stressful raising two kids and working full time as an accountant.

Do not get me get wrong I love my kids, but I was  grasping at straws here, I was used to going to work and come home be greeted by my wife and kids at the dinner table, and now I was lucky if I had dinner for me and my two kids.

I hope the bitch of my ex-wife was having fun wherever the fuck she was.

What kind of woman abandons her husband and children for her boyfriend?

I sigh for the hundredth time.

I park my car, go up to my brother’s house, he was doing well, and I envy him for what he has.

He and Pierce was the perfect example of a happy couple just like mom and dad.

‘’Daddy you are here’’ My daughter Sophie squeal happily.

She was a very happy innocent 7 year old, she only asks for her mom once but my son Brandon told her very clear what had happened.

‘’Our mother left us for a guy that it was not our dad’’. I was speechless at his words but he just smile at me.

He was 10 years old but he was very ahead in his class.

‘’Hey Seeley’’. Pierce says as he walks in with Brandon.

‘’Hey man how were they?’’ I ask while picking my daughter up in my arms.

‘’Like always, very well behaved’’. My brother came in holding the kid’s backpacks on his hands.

‘’Seeley we need to talk’’. Kevin drawls while biting his bottom lip, oh god now what was my first thought.

‘’What is it?’’ I question him and he turn to look at Pierce.

‘’We found Pierce’s real father and we need to go talk to him’’. I nodded slowly.

This meant I had to start looking for a babysitter.

‘’Ok, when do you guys leave?’’ I try to sound like it was not bothering but it was.

Now I had to look for a live in babysitter while I work.

‘’We are going on summer, that way I do not miss school and dad is giving Pierce some days off’’. Kevin explains and I nod to let him know I am listening.

‘’Seeley we are going to help you find a babysitter for the kids, we’ll ask around campus ok, maybe a girl will need the money during summer’’. Kevin pipes and I sigh nodding furiously.

‘’Yeah please’’. I manage to say, I am at my worst right about now.

Single father, working full time is not fun.

‘’We will start tomorrow ok’’. Pierce coos and I just shut my eyes tightly, wishing this were all a dream, nightmare.

‘’Come on stay for dinner’’. Kevin grabs my arm and Sophie giggles as she jumps off my arms.

Her and Brandon love Uncle Kevin and Uncle Pierce so much, Sophie even suggested I find my own husband.

We ate with my brother and his husband and I was grateful that I did not need to worry about dinner for tonight.

As soon as we walk into our apartment, the kids go straight to their rooms and me to my office to print out flyers for babysitting.

Then I got the yellow listings for nannies for hire, where they are already background check and fingerprinting.

Once I was done, I fax some to my brother so he could print out some, for his college.

I pray to god that I find someone to help me.

Someone I could trust with my children.

Someone to feed them while I was at work.

Someone to help me raise them.

Pretty much a wife without the sex and the cheating.

Yeah not hard at all.

‘’Daddy can you tuck me in’’. My Sophie calls me from her bedroom and I smile tiredly as I get off my chair and walk to her room.

‘’Of course princess’’. I chirp happily and she smiles at me.

I tuck her in and then lie down next to her.

‘’Daddy I love you so much and I am sorry you have to do everything because of mommy leaving’’. She whispers and heart beat faster.

I did not want her to feel like this, she is a 7 year old for fucksakes.

‘’It’s all right honey, I love taking care of you and your brother, you’re the reasons for me to live’’. I kiss her forehead and her smile got wider.

‘’I still think you should find someone to love, someone like Uncle Pierce’’. I chuckled at her suggestion.

‘’I wish it was that easy honey’’. I got up after a quick good night to her and made my way towards Brandon.

‘’You know Sophie might be on to something there dad’’. Brandon says as I walk in to his room.

‘’You were listening’’. I scowl at him and he just grinned.

‘’Yeah, she is right you do everything around here, you should find someone to help you’’. He chided and I smile.

‘’I know your uncles and I will be looking for babysitters starting tomorrow’’. I explain while rubbing my face with both hands.

I was exhausted and in need of a shower and sleep.

‘’You should look for a boyfriend while you at it’’. I snap my head towards my son and he just shrugged.

‘’Brandon is not that easy, I am not g- well I’m not like my brother and his boyfriend, I like woman and was married to one for a long time’’. Brandon scoffed at my words and I stare at him.

‘’Yeah and look how that turn out’’.  I sigh again and just shook my head; I was not in the mood to have this conversation with my 10 year old.

‘’Good night son, tomorrow I won’t be going to work so that I can find a babysitter that can move in with us’’. I grunt as I got up to leave after I bid Brandon a goodnight.

I went into my bedroom and undressed and lie on my bed to rest for a bit.

Screw the shower, I’m too tired for anything other then sleeping.

Her Mistake Was My Gain (MxM) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now