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Chan runs his fingers over the marks he made on Felix. He stands and dresses himself , before picking Felix up , bridal style "come on babe , let's get going" he says as he walks out the front door with Felix in his arms. He gets to his car and puts him down gently before opening the passenger door for him, beaming. He bows lightly, "thank you sir." he smiles, climbing up into the seat, he pulls his phone out again, messaging his mother, telling her that he will be home in a little with some news. he sets his phone down and immediately gets anxious, his legs start trembling. Chan climbs into the driver seat and the shaking doesn't go unnoticed. He puts his hand on Felix's knee as he puts the keys in the ignition. "what's wrong love?" He asks as he starts driving to Felix's house. he exhales, resting his hand on the others. "just nervous, that's all." he smiles, trying to stop the shaking but the more he thinks about it the more he shakes. he closes his eyes, trying to control his breathing. Chan slows the driving down as he gets more and more concerned about Felix. "In through your nose , out through your mouth baby, that's it you're doing great" he keeps talking so as to distract Felix from the nerves. "Your mom likes me remember" he makes a light joke. he calms down eventually, reopening his eyes. "she does, but i'm still nervous for no reason. little do either of them know, there is a very big reason to be nervous. he smiles as they get closer to his house. Chan pulls up into the driveway and walks hand in hand with Felix to the front door. He knocks several times , nerves now coursing through chan, although it doesn't show. He smiles over at Felix reassuringly. Felix's mom answers, she smiles at the two, a little bit of fear in her eyes, which Felix notices immediately and gets nervous again. she steps back, allowing the two in, "Felix, please come in the dining room, your father is here." she whispers, Felix's entire body tenses, he nods softly, letting go of chans hand, his mom looks at chan, "uhm, can you go wait in his room, he should be right up." she says, the fear in her voice showing now. "Uh id rather if I didn't" is what Chan wish he could say but instead he nods and heads up the stairs and into Felix's room, he sits in his desk chair and plays with his fingers. He had left the bedroom door open, he didn't need telling why the fear was present in both Felix and his mother. He knew what was probably going to happen. Felix and his mother walked back into the dining room, Felix's father was sitting at the table, waiting patiently for the others to come back. he sighs, standing up and walking over to Felix, he looks him in the eye before raising his hand and straight up slapping him. "i don't know who the hell raised you but it sure wasn't us. we didn't raise you to date men!" he yells, chan can easily hear everything going on. he yells more about how being gay is a sin and how he's going to hell, his father even threatens to kill both him and chan, Felix just stands there, as does his mother, they don't like arguing with him because he always wins. Chan heard the slap from upstairs, he gets up quickly and storms down the stairs hearing the commotion. His hands are clenched fists, he had already gone to the liberty of packing. Felix's essentials for him , it was in a bag , that was now slung over his shoulder. "excuse me sir, don't ever lay a hand on him like that again, or anyone for that matter" his voice calm but also full of aggression. the father looks chan up and down. "i don't know who you think you are, but you're not allowed to talk to my son ever again," he growls, grabbing Felix's arm and pulling him against himself. Felix whines at the force of the grab, his mother goes to say something but knows she'll get hit too. Chan breathes in "with all due respect , Felix is 18 , an adult and therefore aloud to make his own decisions, you asshat" Chan growls stepping forward, instinctive makes him gently prod Felix's mother so she is now behind him and shielded from the nightmare Felix calls a father. "Let him go or I swear to god" he clenches his fists again , unable to finish his sentence. "okay, that means nothing, i'm his legal guardian, you can't do anything asshat he snaps, tightening his grip on Felix's wrist, he whimpers softly, trying to pry his hand off, this causes his father to turn around and slap him again, grabbing his throat after, "don't make me hurt you kid." tears form in Felix's eyes. Chan has had just about enough of watching this vile man abuse Felix. He lurches forward and yanks the older man backwards, with the strength that could only be described as bear like "don't touch him" he growls , pinning Felix's father against the wall by his shirt collar. "Don't you ever hurt him like that!" Felix's mother runs over to Felix and wraps her arms around him, his father kicks chan in the stomach, "that's fucking assault kid!" he yells, slapping him as well, he grabs Felix and takes him into a back room, locking it. all that can be heard it Felix's screams. it's quite obvious what's going on, mostly because of the noises his father is making. Chan begins to cry , he picks himself up and runs to the door he saw Felix's father take him through. "Felix!" He yells desperation in his voice. He throws himself against the door. "Felix!" He yells again , continuing to throw himself against the locked door. "You sick bastard! Let him go!" He directs at Felix's father. his father escapes out the window after he's done, he leaves Felix curled in a tight ball, sobbing on the bed of the guest room, he can't move, can't talk, can't do anything, Felix's mother grabs a spare master key and unlocks the door, pushing it open. Chan runs to Felix and cradles him into his arms, he sobs quietly as he hugs him to his chest "b-baby I'm so sorry , this is m-my fault" he stutters out. He continues to hold Felix close to him and cry, he looks over to Felix's mother "h-how long has he been abusing Felix like th-this?" she looks down, "since he was 5, he hasn't touched him in a while, maybe about 4 years." Felix grips onto chans shirt, sobbing softly. he's basically naked, his boxers torn in the back, for obvious reasons, he has a whole panic attack, trembling and sobbing hysterically. Chan holds Felix close , trying to help him even out his breathing "just focus on me Felix." he says calmly as he intertwines their fingers "just focus on me, I'm here, breath " he says as calmly as he can. He strokes the palms of Felix's hands with his thumbs. he calms down after about 30 minutes. He still grips onto chans shirt, he leans back and picks the hoodie off the floor, cuddling up to it, he closes his eyes before sitting up, wincing at the pain in his ass that was just intensified. he looks over at his mother, who was crying too. he reaches out and holds her hand, sniffling softly. Chan sits there , helpless. He stifles a sob "I wish that there was something I could do to help" he whispers, clutching onto Felix's hand gently. He looks up to his mother. "I- I'm so sorry" he says, looking down. He does not know why he is apologizing, it's just in his nature. He repeats himself again, hugging Felix closer to him "I'm so sorry" he stops crying, he stands, putting the jacket back on, he slides his pants on too, he walks up to his room and packs a little more of what chan didn't. he brings the suitcases down, staying silent the whole time, tears fall but he wipes them before they can fall past his eyes. Chan stands and walks over to Felix. "ready?" he almost whispers. Chan turns back to his mother "you have my address ma'am and you're welcome to visit anytime." he says to her, he takes hold of Felix's hand again and gives it a little squeeze. he jerks his hand out of the others, Felix's mom nods, Felix pulls the bags out and waits for chan to open the trunk. he sniffles more, looking down at his feet, he mentally beats himself for not being able to fight back, thinking about it causes him to cry again. Chan opens the trunk and places Felix's things in it, before swiftly closing it. He notices the tears and sniffles coming from Felix. Chan doesn't care if Felix pushes him away , he needs to be there for him . He gently pulls him into an embrace , he bites back his own tears, staying strong for him and his mother. Felix cries into chans chest, hugging him tight, he starts shaking again "i should've stopped him, it's my fault, i'm weak." he sobs, grabbing the back of his shirt. his knees go weak, causing him to fall to his knees, leaning on chans leg. he cries into chans chest, hugging him tight, he starts shaking again "i should've stopped him, it's my fault, i'm weak." he sobs, grabbing the back of his shirt. his knees go weak, causing him to fall to his knees, leaning on chans leg. "it hurts... it still does..." he whimpers, holding onto the other for dear life. he keeps crying, trembling softly. he doesn't want to ever see his father again, but he knew he would have to. chan holds Felix closer than he ever has, his head resting gently on the top of his head. He opens the car door and sits them both in the back, he holds him there for a while, stroking his hair and whispering comforting words to him. "i don't know what i did to make him mad, i was just, loving someone that has changed my life" he cuddles close to the other, "he's going to come after us. i know he will. he's going to find us, kill you, then make my life a living hell again." he whispers. Chan's grip loosens on Felix slightly "I won't let that happen Felix. I promise , I won't let that monster anywhere near us, especially you" He sighs and kisses his cheek. "I'd let him torture me before I'd let him anywhere near you" Chan thinks to himself. he sighs as well, closing his eyes, he relaxes completely after thinking about the life he's about to have with chan, how they will be together, how nothing will ever be able to break them apart from now on, and he keeps that thought with him. "Baby as much as I love cuddling with you we should get home" Chan puts emphasis on the word home, explaining that it is now not just his house, but Felix's home. Even though Chan really thinks home isn't a place but a feeling. Felix gives him that feeling. Felix is his home. He climbs into the front seat, rather clumsily, chuckling to himself. he slowly climbs up into the passenger seat, he buckles his seatbelt, he looks at his phone, smiling at the picture he took of chan when they first met. that picture means a lot to him, but the fact that he has chan as an actual person next to him makes it all much better. if chan wasn't there when his father did that, he most likely would've killed himself, since during it all his father was saying was that it was all Felix's fault and other horrible things. Chan takes a hold of Felix's hand as he pulls up to the driveway of his home. He climbs out, unlocks his house door and opens Felix's side of the door, picking him up and onto his back , he takes both Felix and his belongings into THEIR home. He shuts the door behind him. "We're home" he giggles.

~Please ignore my capitalization in this chapter, I was NOT in the mood to proofread all 2096 words. Also, if you see that drama and suspense seems to pop up out of nowhere, please note this is literally almost copy and pasted from a roleplay i have with a close friend, we add drama a lot so it doesn't seem boring. - Ace

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Happy Little Pill (Chanlix)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang