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Atlas woke up to blinding lights upon her. She looked around confused, wondering how she got there and who brought her. The last memory she had was her on the floor, watching as two Knights of Ren walking towards her.

She looked ahead of her to find Kylo squatting down on the floor, staring at her with his dead black eyes. Although, with his mask on, she still felt them. She tried to move away but she was restrained. Her wrists and ankles were strapped up, leaving her no strength in her body. And Kylo was there, looking at her, wondering what his next move was. Debating whether he should kill her or keep her here, torturing her.

"Just kill me now." Atlas was only able to let out those words from her mouth without feeling out of breath. "It will only make you more of a monster, anyway."

Kylo got up from his squatting position and walked slowly up to her, placing the palm of his hand to the side of her head, but not on it. She felt him in her mind, reading everything and anything. All her thoughts she had currently and all the thoughts she had in the past; he read them all. Saw each memory she had as if he was there with her.

Atlas's head was throbbing, pressure in her head, making her eyes water with pain. She felt all of her thoughts and memories being stolen, the privacy and sacredness being sucked out of her. Everything she's ever seen or thought of was now violated. She wanted him to get off of her, to get out of her mind. But she couldn't, she didn't have the physical and mental strength. He was too overpowering. He had everything he needed from her. Every information of The Resistance, every plan, and everything that Leis has taught her was now with Kylo. It was now all apart of Kylo's thoughts and memories too.

He pulled his hand away, satisfied of what he saw and what he felt, the feeling of power. He walked away till he was at the metal doors, back facing Atlas as she caught her breath. She heard the hissing of Kylo's mask as he took it off. To her surprise, he didn't have messy hair like you would if you had a mask on 24/7. No. He had his dark fluffy black hair. She had to resist the urge to run her fingers through it, even if she was tied up and was probably going to die by his hands himself.

"You have that look in your eyes, from the force...when you called me a monster," Kylo said as he turned back to face Atlas as he walked towards her.

"You are a monster." Atlas was right about that. He was a monster, and maybe the cruelest at that. He could slaughter someone innocent or guilty and feel no sympathy towards them.

He walked closer to her, now face to face. He analyzed her face, hoping to find something, any darkness. "...Yes I am." He knew what he was doing, he had all of this planned, spinning around the tip of his finger, all under his control. That was his purpose. To control the galaxy itself.

"I know everything about you," Kylo said analyzing her, still searching for something , "even things you don't know yourself." That affected her in someway. What was he talking about?

"What things?" Atlas said between the grits of her teeth. What things did he know that she didn't already know.

"I can only tell you that if you're with me." He said as he walked towards the metal doors before saying, "you'll be staying here until I say so. Do you understand?" He stood still at the door way, waiting for a response but there was nothing. She didn't say anything. She didn't want to give in, and she didn't understand.

"Hm." That's all he said before he walked out, leaving her alone in that room where she was trapped. Her stomach growled in hunger, but this wasn't the time to pay attention to it. Her arms were strapped up, so she couldn't contact Leia. Leia had never taught her what to do in this situation, being held captive. Actually, she didn't teach her a lot of things.

She couldn't sleep the whole night she was there. With the grumbling of her stomach and being strapped up, basically scared for her life, who could? She still couldn't help but wonder what he meant by even things you don't know yourself. That had really struck a nerve with her. What had he been talking about. How could he know something that she doesn't already know when he's only known her for a month already. Her mind started to wander, making her head hurt. Kylo's face was now engraved in her mind. Everything about him was engraved in her.

But there was one thing she didn't understand. Back at the technical room, how did he know what she was doing, what she was thinking of. She had felt his presence too on that day. Also when he came to apologize, she felt him too. It all started to click together, like puzzle pieces of a very complicated puzzle. When Kylo would ask her how she was blocking her thoughts from him. She had a moment of realization of what he was doing since day one. His goal was to get into her mind, but she didn't let him, subconsciously. She mentally blocked him out without realizing.

She stayed there the whole night in awe. It was all coming together. What Kylo would tell her and what she felt within her. Atlas and Kylo were connected in some way, shape or form.

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