Plain Sight

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Oh the feeling of the warm rising sun dancing across your body at the same time that your body gets that tingle of the cool air around you before you register the morning to begin your day, maybe start with a delicious breakfast and go out for a morning jog, then freshen up before preparing for the interview.

However mornings aren't always so routine, there is a mysterious aspect in the mornings, especially when waking up somewhere that wasn't home. But Marina had moved out of her last apartment to be closer to Sky and Sky's siblings, so she's very aware about where she is. So the question was why does she feel the sun when she remembers she closed the curtains before bed, and she knows room service isn't here since she placed the do not disturb sign up.

So you see mornings aren't always so boring.

Marina pulled out a knife from under her pillow and rolled out of the left side of the bed, a surprised yelp and squeal was heard first then a thud as Marina pushed her knee against the intruders stomach. There was a very very short silence before the octoling heard a groan of pain beneath her and laughter from one side of the room, her eyes finally focused on her surroundings. A sharp pain struck her unsurprisingly and now she was light-headed from getting up to quickly but that wasn't important, what was important was why Three was under her obviously not getting paid enough for this and why Four is eating Marina's apple crisps.

A glare was sent to both inklings, the smallest pulled her hoodie down and waved in a shy manner "Morning Marina, I didn't think you could afford a hotel like this?" Marina yawned and stood up when she realized who her intruders were, standing away from Three who's sitting up now at this point.

Three rubbed her abdomen while one hand was lifted to touch the front of her mouth in a fist before letting out a pained breath "I'm going to have to tell Eight that too much pancakes is a real thing..." Marina rolled her eyes while Four gasped dramatically "You devilfish!" Three got on to her feet and glared at Four "First, very professional. Second, don't tell Eight that waffles are better. Third, why are you here Four?" The golden Inkling smirked and threw away Marina's precious Apple Crisps. She would also like to know why Four was here along with Three.

"I'm your babysitter for the day, courtesy of your sisters in arms" that did not answer why Four was here in Marina's hotel room. Three hissed at the answer then turned her sight on Marina, the assassin still held a knife in hand and now in the other hand was her trusty pepper spray and at her hip was a taser. The woman was sending very annoyed signals to the agents, and of course they blantly ignored it.

Four sat on the bed as Three crossed her arms as comfort, Marina stared back at the now green inked inkling "Why are you here?" Three asked, Marina's brow raised at the question "Shouldn't I be asking why YOU guys are here? In my hotel room? That I paid for?" Four's voice was heard behind Marina "Y'kno she's right Three, that wasn't very fresh of you"

Three flipped Four off while keeping her gaze on Marina, in the room she paid for "You so happen to get a hotel in the Dust District? A hotel when you've NEVER book a room that wasn't in a motel." She questioned in a territorial manner. Marina now understood why Three was being annoying, the inkling was being possessive about some target.

Marina raised her hands in surrender "Aspen-"
Both a solid gun and hero shot was pulled out by the sometimes angst inkling "No names"
The octoling nodded to the inkling who raised both weapons "Three, I'm not here for your target. All the motels in the area where booked last night so I just came here since it's close to my job interview, I have no idea who is your target and I frankly don't care." Three slowly lowered her weapons and huffed "Never say my name, you pronounce it weird. It bothers me" Marina nodded and tossed her own things onto the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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