Chapter Two

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Those memories....Of my dad.. I dont want them back. He was a shitty person to me and my siblings. I wish I couldve saved them, I really do.

I started sobbing without notice and Johnny kissed my forehead and whispered

"Its okay, you can talk to me when you feel like doing so. I love you."

I sobbed but I felt a lot happier when he said that to me. Even the simplest of kind words make me feel happy..

The next morning.

"Wanna start heading out to travel around the US?" I asked getting into some clothing

"Already? We didnt plan a specific date but I guess." Johnny said. "I'll get dressed in my bathroom-"

"Oh no its fine." I replied

"Uh, you sure?" Johnny questioned. "We just talked about it last night, we need to plan out what hotels were going to and everything!"

"I've been on trips like these a lot before my mom died. They were really fun." I said, packing up.

"Once your done, we can go to my place and I'll pack up while you make yourself at home before we end up going across the country." Johnny replied hugging me from behind

"Alright." I whispered

After a fifteen minute drive, Johnny and I headed to his apartment and packed his stuff while I read some books that he had. I decided to steal some because they were actually really interesting.

"Ready to head out from New York to Cali?" Johnny asked

"Yep. Actually, how about San Diego." I smiled.

"Thats literally in California" Johnny sighed

"Oh, haha! Lets go!!" I smiled, kissing his forehead and running to the car

As we got to the car we drove off onto the freeway after twenty five minutes and on the freeway we go. Once nighttime hit, we stopped at a local Motel in Southern Nevada and just rested there for the night.

"I wonder how our teachers are reacting to our sudden disappearance." I said, cuddling Johnny

"Did you tell them?" Johnny asked, cuddling up to me

"Oh, I emailed them I would take online courses while on the trip" I whispered.

"Good, because I decided to drop out and maybe we can live in New York?" Johnny replied.

"Why did you drop out? I liked your short stories!?"

"English is boring to me! I was born to be a jockey."

"Well, you do you."

And so, we fell asleep in ones arms. Safe, knowing that were here for each other. I think tomorrow we'll hopefully find houses online in New York. Peacefully with no stress from others. These two years have the been the best two years so far, and I hope I can spend the rest of my life with Johnny.

The next morning

I woke up to the fresh smell of coffee, and Johnny reading a book next to me

"Oh, morning Gyro!" Johnny smiled. "I made you some coffee!"

"Thanks! Honestly, im really excited to move into New York with you." I smiled back, drinking my coffee.

"Lets drive off in about an hour." Johny said, laying on my shoulder as he read his book

"Alrighty. I'll get dressed." I replied, drinking my coffee, and then getting up to get my clothing on. "Let me know when your ready, kay hun?"

"Heh, okay." Johnny smiled and let out a giggle.

Once we both got our clothing on and ate our dinner, we packed up our stuff and headed out. We sang some songs, watched the sunset and made out. This road trip truly is the best moment of my life. But, what if when I head out early in the morning, I get an engagement ring? No, thats a bit too far into the relationship.

"Alright. We're in Utah, let's just drive across and one of us drives throughout the night." Johnny yawned. "I'll drive if you want?"

"I think that's best, I get really paranoid at night." I said, leaning back on the passenger's seat. "So, we're gonna pass Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and boom. New York."

"Alright. Sleep well, were gonna get some snacks once we arrive at the Utah/Colorado border. Love you." Johnny smiled.

And so, I fell asleep as Johnny drove in the middle of nowhere in Utah. Hoping that he stays safe.

Once I woke up to the brignt sun as we arrive, Johnny getting us a cup of coffee each.

"Ah your awake. Nice. We're In colorado if you havent noticed from how chilly it is." Johnny said, drinking his coffee.

"Oh yeah its like 62 degrees?" I asked, stretching out a bit

"Its 55, Gyro." Johnny said with a straight face, trying not to smile.

"Oh, cause we've felt colder right? Like -35 when we went to Michigan once?" I asked, drinking my coffee besides him.

"Yeah, that was fucking scary. We are NEVER going to Michigan again."  Johnny sighed, driving away from the cafe parking lot.

"So, I was thinking. We could spend a few days in Colorado?"

"I think thats a good idea, Johnny!" I smiled. "Its a really pretty place!"

"Yeah! My dad used to take me here a lot before my brother died, and now I havent contacted him since Junior year of high school." Johnny smiled. "Keeps saying I was the wrong son that god traded or whatever."

"Look, dont listen to that man. You deserve so much better than what oyu went through in your life. Im gonna be here for you till the end of the line." I smiled. "I cant hug you because your driving, but once your at a stop sign then I'll do that."

Once we got to a stop sign, I hugged the sobbing Johnny and kissed him on the lips before the green light hit.

"Wanna just go watcha movie at the theatre?" I asked.

"We have a portable movie player. I brought some of our favorite movies, so I can just pull up to somewhere in the middle of nowhere and we can just watch movies from there you know?" Johnny replied driving the car. "JESUS CHRIST DUDE MOVEEEE!! YOUR CAUSING TRAFFIC!"

Jeez he has bad road rage..

Once the sun set and we found a place to rest and just hang out in the car, we decided to watch Carrie and a bunch of other movies as we cuddled and made out I guess. Until he crawled on top of me

"So, whats happening now?" I asked, pulling Johnny closer

"Honestly, you tell me. Is it like one of those scenes were people have sex in cars?" Johnny whispered into my ear, I felt a tingle in my ear as I took his shirt off and he took mine off, we moved to the back seat of Johnnys car.

Honestly, hes pretty good, and ive had sex with other guys, but it wasnt as great as it is with Johnny. Hes pretty good at this.

Hell does he even have experience? I have lots, and this guy acts like he has more than me! MM, thats the spot. Riiiight there baby right there okay.

And so, we had fun throughout the night as many horror movies were playing. No one cared to look because it was like four hours long we did it?? Shit thats long..

The next morning..

We fell asleep on each others shirtless, half naked bodies and woke up to the bright sun. It was at least 11 AM by then. We headed to sleep by like four fourty five.

"Shit that was fun..." Johnny yawned. "I-ive never even done that before.."

"Well, you were surprisingly great. Heh, how was I?" I smiled

"You did good too. Now, we should get ready and head onto Kentucky." Johnny replied, crawling to the drivers seat.

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