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Middle school sucks!

Everyone's asking to borrow my quirk so they can do bad stuff!

Like just yesterday, Ray asked me if I could help him get into an R rated movie using my quirk. How am I even supposed to respond to that!

Anyways the movie was great and he even bought the popcorn.

*I'd like to note that this doesn't count as quirk usage in public since we went to my place to transform and went to the movie before the effects were off.

Maybe that wasn't the best example since I gave in, but cut me some slack! He's been my number 1 bro since the first grade!

But at least I'm not in the class across the hall. They have this fiery bully guy who's pretty much a tyrant.

I feel bad for anyone who has to deal wi-

"Outta my way."

"Dude. We're in the bathroom. Just go to the other urinal."

"What did you say to me?!"

It took be a moment to realize I just talked back to hitler with bombs always available.

From what I've seen, you could crush a guy's skull with this dude's ego. Maybe I can play into it?

"Apologies, my lordship. I had mistaken you for some other incredibly talented blonde."

Sir pissy boy had this look of confusion on his face. Maybe this was a bad choice-

"You are lucky I am so merciful, peasant."

That worked?! How did that not get me killed?!

"Now be gone from my sight before I destroy you."

Sparks are coming off his hands... oh no

I hastily zip my fly and run to wash my hands and get outta dodge.

Oh my god that was not fun.

But I probably wont see him again since we have different schedules, so I'm in the clear!

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