"I thought you were my friend, is that why you came here? To get me" she went on

"NO!" I shouted

"I lost my brother ok, I spent months trying to find him, only to see pictures of him dead, my dad told me he was alive. I want to find my brother, that's why I'm here" I added

"Your dad?" She questioned. Crap

"Ian's your father?" she asked again

"Was it not obvious to you?" I asked her

"De loy? Doyle, I didn't know Ian had a daughter" she realised

"There's a lot of things you don't know" I said going to walk away, Emily grabbed my wrist to stop me

"How did you know about me?" she asked

"I didn't" I lied, she gave me a look which showed she wasn't buying anything, I sighed before letting out

"My dad told me he was with someone called Lauren Reynolds, and I was Happy that he finally moved on from my mom and my brothers mother, he showed me a picture of you, I only found out you were her after we met in New York, its just a coincidence that Hotch offered me a job.

"We don't talk about this, especially to the team, they don't need to know" Emily told me

"Can you just tell me one thing?" I asked her


"Does he have a good life, people who love him?"

"He does" she assured me "Don't talk to me unless it's work, you were my friend and I trusted you" She said before walking away

"Do you think I had a choice in this" I shouted to her

She turned. "There's always a choice" she simply said before going inside

"Not if your me" I muttered, feeling a tear slip down my face, I made my way inside towards the room when I hesitated when my hand touched the handle. Stepping away I turned down the corridor, found the room and knocked. The door creaked open to reveal a tired looking shirtless Derek, I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as he said

"What are you doing here buttercup?" he smirked, I rolled my eyes and replied

"Uh do you mind if I stay here tonight, I'll sleep on the floor" in a pleading voice. He opened the door more for me to walk in.

"You good?" he asked

"Yeah fine" I lied; I seem to be doing that a lot lately

"If your fine why are you here and not in your room with the girls?" he asked while crossing his arms over his chest

"Fine you caught me" I sighed with a small smile, Derek moved to the bed sitting down and patting the spot next to him which I took.

"I thought I lost my brother a while ago, I thought my dad's ex killed him, I saw pictures of him lying on the ground, and it was when I joined the BAU I found out he was alive and now I have no way of finding him and my dad wants me to" I let out a shaky breath

"You know Garcia could try and find him" he said moving closer to me and wrap his arm around me to bring me to his chest.

"I know, but I honestly doubt he'd remember me, plus I know that whoever he's with, he's safe and happy" I said in a small voice barely above a whisper.

I got out of his embrace and picked up two pillows from the bed

"What are you doing?" he asked

"Sleeping on the floor, that's why I came here

Bella De Loy-Or is it~|~Derek Morgan Where stories live. Discover now